Part 43

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  • Dedicated to you, my readers, for faithfully following me to the end of this story. Thank you

Two weeks later, Moira stood in a magic-safe room with the President of the Gendarmerie Magique, Semra, Buds and two Commissaires of the examination board. Everybody shot spells on Moira. She deflected them easily since she had used up so much of her Magie Sauvage that she could use her Magie Généraliser for the exam. She managed spells that would have been impossible before Sabio's training. What a pity that the Magie Sauvage will grow back. She evaded a fire ball from the President.

When the testing was over, Buds patted her shoulder. "Never thought you'd turn into something this good."

"Sabio always knew how to spot talent." Semra took her hand beaming. "Well done."

The President of the Gendarmerie Magique smiled at Moira. "Please wait in the entrance hall for us. I don't think our consultation will take up much time."

Moira walked up and down the hall. She breathed as deeply and regularly as she could but it didn't help. Her knees shook, her hands sweated, and her heart thumped like after an hour of combat training. The entrance door slammed, and she shot around. When she saw who was approaching, her eyes widened and her legs felt as if someone had stolen the bones.

Luckily, Druidus hugged her before she collapsed. "Thank you," he whispered. His voice was hoarse.

"I thought the new trial will start tomorrow," Moira said.

"It has been rescheduled due to pressure from the Gendarmerie. Mother's confession sped the thing along too. The only thing they're still discussing is the admittance of the magiskope as a legal item of evidence at court." HE bent his head until his forehead touched hers. "You can't imagine how horrible it is to be locked inside your own body. I wouldn't have been able to stand it without thinking of you."

Moira shivered. "Did they break the sword's influence completely?"

Druidus held her closer. "The psychologist thinks that I will remember events for all my life. At least, I don't experience them as if they were real. It's more like a film I watched. I remember all the details but there is no emotional connection. I think I'm thankful for that."

Moira leaned against him and breathed his scent. It soothed her soul and for the first time since her father had left the family, she felt complete again.

After a while, she asked, "How about Pete Huudien? He had to kill many more people."

"His mental blockade is different. The psychologist said Pete could barely remember the murders any more already. I envy him." Druidus sighed. "His fiancée has picked him up. As far as I know, they're took the shortest route to a Marriage Registrar."

Moira kissed him. She pressed her lips on his as if this would be their last kiss. Tingling, more ferocious than Wild Magic, spread form her lips through her body. She closed her eyes and allowed her emotions to carry her away.

Someone cleared his throat, and Druidus let her go. Reluctantly, Moira turned to the examination board. She clung to Druidus arm, determined to never let him go again.

"What a pleasure to see you, Monsieur van Steen," the President of the Gendarmerie Magique said. "I truly regret the circumstances that led to your arrest. Hopefully you will be able to forgive us."

Druidus looked at him sternly. "Since there was no evidence for my innocence, you didn't have a choice. Thank you for the psychological help you organized."

"It was the least we could do for you and Monsieur Huudien."

Druidus pulled his face into a smile as if he struggled to remember how to do that. "Maybe I'll return to duty soon."

"You'll be very welcome. We always need an able Gendarme like you. I'm looking forward to the day you pick up duty again." He turned to Moira. "Now, we don't want to keep you in suspense any longer. Surely, you're very excited already."

At the moment, there was nothing Moira was less interested in than the result of her exam. All that counted was that Druidus was back again. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he pulled her closer.

"Since there is no doubt about the fact that you have considerable magical abilities, there is no reason why you shouldn't continue your training with the Gendarmerie."

Semra congratulated her and added, "Since you already worked as a full assistant in the Gendarmerie, proving that you're good at working with the hard cases, you've been assigned to Murder Two – if you don't decline. You can do the minimum times at the other stations, and that should suffice for your education."

"You only have to sign here." The President of the Gendarmerie Magique handed her the Contract for Training. Moira hesitated shortly. As Gendarma, she'd have to live in constant fear of losing someone she loved. Would she still be able to see the wonderful sides of life? She looked at Druidus, and their gazes met. His eyes promised love and security. Moira breathed deeply and signed.


The cave was dark. It was so dark that the rat despite its great night vision couldn't see a thing. It depended on its sense of smell. The tiny brain registered that a young male had passed this way a few days ago, but it had been long enough that the rat didn't feel the need to follow it. It sniffed at a stone which smelled of iron and something else. Hesitantly, the rat rose placing its front paws on the stone. Since its hip wasn't designed for standing on the hind legs for long, it sank to the ground soon. The stone cracked open, and she landed on something hard and pointy. A human would have recognized it as a tiny sword. A silvery voice mewed. Obediently, the rat picked up the sword with the right front paw. Walking on its hind legs, it left the cave holding the sword ready for a fight. It followed the trail of the young male and its nose vibrated with blood lust.


So, this was it. Did you like it? Would you want me to write a sequel? If you liked it, have you recommended it to your friends?

I had a lot of fun writing this story. Especially the magical system was fun to work out -- and don't we all want our own, personal nerls?

Let me know what you think. I apprechiate it. And if it is criticism, I'll try to improve.

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