His maid, Weaknesses

Start from the beginning

"Those dashing blue eyes of yours.."

I immediately felt heat rise upon my cheeks as the words he spoke slipped out with such ease. Not a stutter to be reckoned. Words coming of such passion yet softness.. Why would he say that!?
I couldn't help but stare back, not fully understanding.. My mind raced and my nervousness got the better of me, making my head revert back to my lap in embarrassment. I could feel my face become many shades of crimson as I sensed him smirk as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Rest... The young lord has given you a day to recover. Which should be plenty of time." he pulled away and walked to the doorway, each step sending an echo through the room. He then left with me and my thoughts, making me let out a relieving sigh I didn't know I was holding in. I closed my eyes and focused on the wound. Keeping my priorities in check.

~Finnian's POV~
"There we are!" I patted the last seed into the soil of the new white rose patch for the upcoming season. I stood up as my straw hat that had been equipped over my head shielded the light from my eyes, making it easier to work. I removed my gloves and tried rubbing off the dirt I felt on my face, yet to no avail. I sighed that turned into a smile. 'I don't care if my face is a little dirty..' I thought to myself.

The garden looks quite nice this afternoon..! The sun is shining throughout all the world for as far as my eyes can comprehend. The smell of roses and the chirping of birds is what keeps me going and what makes me feel alive..! I wonder if the new servants ar-
"Hi-ya!" came a sound from behind me. I jumped with a small yelp of surprise as I turned around in a fright. It was only one of the new servants... The tall masculine one to be exact. "Oh! Did I scare ya?" she questioned as she cocked her head to the side in a questionable manner.
"Y-Yes.." I sighed, holding my chest as I regained my normal breathing pace. She suddenly patted my back.
"Sorry, bud!" her deep feminine voice trailed through the air seemingly musically as she held the same large grin. She looks so familiar...

I... I remember now...
It's her...

"L-Let me to!" I struggled under the wrath of men whom called themselves 'doctors'..tch.. they are nothing but men who bring pain to innocent people! They pushed me down onto a wooden table, then held my legs and arms down. I struggled and struggled but there was so many of them. My arm was sore and bruised from all the injection marks they shot me with. As I fought against them, I saw one pull out another needle, filling it with fluids that were meant to be for me. I cried and pleaded but they didn't even budge.

"Hey!" called a voice who barged into the operation room. The mysterious figure is wearing a patient uniform like I, and ripped the doctors from my grasp and fought against them for my sake. "Go!" they replied. I got up as quick as I could, turning back for a split second, I saw a person with short navy blue hair and deep brown eyes. Yet I took the opportunity to escape by breaking the iron door in my way and racing about the halls. Then, I met Sebastian.

I stared at her with widened eyes. "Hello~ Farm boy?" she waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me back into reality. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began to speak up.
"T-Thank you!" I bowed before her as quickly as I could.
"Erm.. You feeling alright, kid?" she held my shoulders up so she could feel my cheeks and forehead. "You're actin' like a weirdo." she stated and folded her arms. I shook my head rapidly with a flushed face.
"N-No! I'm fine.. It's just.." I sighed, "You saved my life.." I looked up into her eyes and hers went wide. She then rubbed the bridge of her nose in embarrassment.
"I thought you would have forgotten about that by now..." she sighed as her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. "Listen, I gotta go." she turned around to leave.
"Wait! You were a patient to! Right?!" I grabbed her wrist. She turned to face me with a flushed face of her own.
"Y-Yeah.." she replied softly, then yanked her hand away forcefully. "What about it!?" she added, rather intimidating.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw arms wrap around her waist.
"Ty!!" said the other new servant, as she hugged her tall friend from behind. So, now I know her name is Ty... Ty blushed at her friends childishness. "Ty-chan, don't be so mean! He was only asking a question!" she pouted and looked up to Ty whom sighed and reverted eye contact. Then the small one giggled as a response and glanced towards me. "I'm Yuki! And this is Tyler!" she stated, as well as giving a closed eye smile.

"I'm Finnian.." I gave a nervous smile back towards the one known as Yuki. Then Tyler walked out of Yuki's grasp letting out another weary sigh. "Whatever, I'll be in the kitchen if ya need me, kido." she ruffled Yukis hair and walked off. Leaving Yuki and I alone.
"So, I heard you wanna know about about Tyler?" she smirked. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"The offer seems suspicious." I admitted, leaving her to giggle once more.
"You asked if she was a patient, did you not?~" she folded her arms with sparkles in her eyes. I glared rather playfully, seeing her as to cute to be serious. So I leaned in closer. "You got the goods?" she whispered. I pulled out a lollipop from my pocket and handed it to her. "Nice doing business with you, sir." she patted my shoulder and we regained our composure back to reality.

"Indeed, Tyler was a patient! She was tested on, just like you!" she turned her back towards me with the lollipop hanging from her lips. I then spoke up.
"H-How did you know I was-"
"Nothing gets past the queens rabbit..!" she stated, then cleared her throat. "Then, leaving her with an ability of super strength. After she had figured this ability out on her own.. She used it to break out of that hell, involving saving you in the process." turning her heel, she faced me with another smirk. After having slaughtered the operators, she ran into London, having me find her on the streets and taking care of her. Then, she became my side kick! She helps me do my bidding as the queens rabbit.. And... She is kinda like a care-taker to me as well.. Hehe.." she blushed and scratched her cheek.

I was appalled. Of such confrontions this little girl has been through, she's still is as stable and childish as ever.
Yet... Now I know of Tyler... I want to talk to her.. She has strength, like me! We should have a lot in common!
"Yuki!" I grabbed her shoulders. "Where did Tyler say she'd be right now?"
"Erm.. The kitchen I think-"
"Thanks!" I then darted towards the manor in an instant. I want to talk to her.. And.. Be friends with her!


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