"I mean like, I was asked and thought you'd want to go to also." My face scrunches up as I imagine myself third wheeling with Liam and some chick. I guess he can tell by the look on my face what I'm thinking because he goes to clarify. "Sarah's going to be there." I give him the ole side eye. "And a few other people, I heard."

I sigh dramatically. "So, you want me to like supervise your date while I sit beside the chick I pork sometimes and a few randos?"

Liam snorts, "You don't even have to sit by her, man. She might bring someone anyway." He pauses, waiting for me to say something, but I just take another swig of water instead and start stretching. "Please, Connell, I'll owe you one."

"Okay, Jesus, fine." Rolling my eyes as I reach for my toes. "You owe me then."

He stands up then and grins once again, "Yeah, man."


After practice ends at 7:45, I head home. Liam informed me that we'd be catching the 9:15 for a movie called 'the Forest', something I'd never even heard of before but he'd said that I would like it. Whatever, I guess. It's cheap night.

After I'd finished in the shower and put on a grey hoodie and black jeans, I decided that is was a good idea to text Sarah.

8:20 - To: Sarah

you bringing anyone tonight?

I'm not even sure why I asked, I honestly would not care if she did bring anyone. And yet, I'm curious. There's only so many people she would take with her and I'm not exactly in the mood to be around some of the guys she hangs out with. They're usually intimidated by me even being around her. It's happened before.

And yeah, sometimes I talk about Sarah like all we do is bang but we're kind of friends. She's not bad at all, she just likes to surprise people... if you couldn't tell. The thought of her leading Aisley into her bedroom conjures in my head before I can stop it, but I shake it away. Even thinking of him is going to remind me of Dylan Arlington and nope. Not going there tonight. Hate that guy. Hate him.

8:32 - Fr: Sarah

Don't worry Con, he's cool.

What the fuck, why would I worry? My phone buzzes again and I check it right away. Only to see that it's Liam.

8:33 - Fr: Liam

Lobby @ 9

I sigh, standing up from my bed and picking my wallet up from the bedside table to slip it in my back pocket. Silently hoping that there's a hot girl there that I can hit up if you know what I mean.

When I get to the bottom or the stairs my dad and his girlfriend are just coming in the door."Hey son," he says when he sees me, arm wrapped around Katherine's waist. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Movies," I grunt.

Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and everything but his girlfriends usually give me the creeps. Mostly because they're mostly in their mid-twenties, and like yeah, they're all hot but that doesn't mean I wanna bang my dad's girlfriend. That'd be kind of fucked up. But some of them, like Katherine, are very touchy. And right now is a perfect example of that.

She walks toward me, moving a piece of her long blonde hair behind her, and looks at me with lidded eyes. "Con, why don't you stay with us, sweetie?" She purrs while reaching for my arm with my dad smiling behind her.

"Uhh, no I've got a date." I lie and Katherine's smile twists but still remains in place. My dad steps in, suddenly intrigued.

"A date, Connell?" He says with eyebrows raised, "Is it that girl you bring around? Sarah?"

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