Yesterday, when he arrived in their territory, it was the same as he left it, but his wolf is more thrilled to come home. He couldn’t point it out, but there is something different in the air, and he was eager to find out.

When he came out of his car and his green eyes scan the ground. School still the same, excited, giggling and willing girls, scatter all over the school ground, waiting for him to choose his next flavor. Obviously his wolf wasn’t interested, and so was he. It’s like his wolf knows what they were looking for, and he wants to find out what his wolf is up to.

His friends immediately surrounded him, he haven’t had the chance to meet them last night when he arrived, because he needs to report to his father and also he was tired. While talking to his friends, something or better yet someone got his attention. A boy parked his motorbike, not far from them. It really cause a lot of commotion to all, first because the bike is a remarkable piece of metal. A Harley. You could almost feel the sweat and the dedication to build that bike. If you’re a car or bike enthusiast, you will know when you see one, and secondly the biker itself. It screamed badass, girls like those kind. Our kind. The bad boy vibe. The biker is far from being a boy, he looks a little older.

To him, someone solely got his attention.

The girl who is in the arms of the biker.

She was so tiny, not merely touching the shoulder of the biker. Her red hair cascading around her back. Something inside him wants to grab her, and claim her as his own.

“They won’t even joined the pack.” Mateo said, who’s leaning besides him

“Interesting couple I might add.”

That got Sebastian’s attention “Couple?” he turned around to see his best friend grinning and looking at the same direction he was looking at.

“Yeah, that one is protective over her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely, they don’t have the same scent. The guy is a wolf but the girl over there” Mateo nods his head towards two, who’s now entering the school. “Her scent is much different with him, not a wolf I presume.”

“Are you interested in her?” Sebastian didn’t answer his friend, he frown at the entrance where the two had disappear. He doesn’t like the information Mateo is giving to him.

“Do you like her? That guy is very protective over her, so thread carefully.” 

“Enough!” Sebastian growled. Everyone whose around them stop on what they were doing. He rub his face, irritated is an understatement on how he feel. He left them and walk towards the school entrance. He doesn’t like the idea those two being a couple. He’s wolf doesn’t like it, and it’s confused him a lot.

To say the least, Mateo is astonished on how Sebastian is acting. He haven’t seen his friend like this. Having an interest with a girl who obviously committed to someone.


“Mathew, where are you going?” Amelia asked immediately as she saw his husband burst out to his office, alarm is etched in his face.

“One of the Sentinels at the west contacted me, and they found some dead body, they said it’s not one our pack members, I have to check it out.”

“You have to take Sebastian with you, call him.” Looking at Amelia, even with the calm demeanor that she was showing, he could sense the fear that his wife is feeling, but they need to be calm, for the sake of the pack.

The Alpha's Little WitchМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя