Chapter 4: A Brawl and a Runaway

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Brett reached and lifted a kicking and screaming Dakota off her feet, her fingernails just inches from Victoria's perfect face. Brandon had thrown an arm out to shove Courtney and me backwards, only for me to slam into someone behind me. Courtney fell with a shriek as Ethan appeared out of nowhere to ram Brett in the shoulder.

Brett dropped Dakota and swung a fist around towards Ethan, who ducked, expecting the move. He tried to shoulder Brett in the stomach to ram him into the lockers, but my running back of a brother was ready for it. He shoved Ethan off, rolling out his shoulders as he advanced towards the junior.

"Brett, don't!" Victoria was screaming. Dakota pushed her out of the way, the queen bee staggering sideways into the lockers as Dakota advanced, her vicious brown eyes set on me.

"Stop this right now!" a familiar voice thundered down the hallway. Principal MacGuire's bald head was bobbing down the crowded hallway as a pack of teachers poured out of the lounge, trying to break their way to the center of the action.

Brandon grabbed Brett before he could land a punch, Jeff and Brad appearing out of nowhere to pin Ethan's arms as he lunged forward in an attempt to land a cheap shot on Brandon. Dakota kicked Brad in the shin in passing, the wide receiver releasing Ethan as he yelped in pain.

"Time to go," Tyler said, his face next to my ear. I hadn't realized that when I'd stumbled backwards, whomever I'd fallen into had grabbed hold of my arms. Dakota was baring her teeth again, drawing her curled fist back. Tyler was pulling me backwards, but the press of students wanting to watch the fight wasn't letting him get too far.

"Whoever wrote it forgot to include that you're a bloodsucking, jealous little whore," Dakota snarled, her fist arcing forward. Tyler whipped me sideways, releasing me so he could snag Dakota's hand as she stumbled, off-balance from her clumsy punch. She screamed again, only for Mr. Grant to barrel through the crowd of students.

"Let her go, son," he said to Tyler. Dakota was screaming profanities, attempting to wrestle her arms back from Tyler. I'd stumbled sideways into the lockers, leaning against them as I caught my breath.

Tyler obeyed Mr. Grant, only for Dakota to lunge my way again as soon as he released her. I'd been waiting for it, ducking into a crouch as she raked the air with her nails. I rammed my shoulder into her stomach, pushing hard as I straightened from my crouch. The force of my blow lifted Dakota and sent her sprawling backwards, her fingernails raking the sleeves of my shirt as she scrabbled for a hold. She landed with a whump on the floor, already attempting to rise, but Mrs. Clooney, the freshman gym teacher, had seized her collar as Mr. Grant took a step between us. Tyler grabbed me around the waist and bodily yanked me from the fray.

"I'm going to k-!" I started, only for him to clap a hand over my mouth.

"No death threats or they'll suspend you too," he hissed, pulling me away from where I struggling towards Dakota. His words slapped my brain back into place and I was suddenly acutely aware of Mr. Lee, the football coach, and one of the burlier janitors restraining Brett and Brandon while Principal MacGuire himself was holding Ethan. The rest of the teachers were trying to disperse the crowd, holding them back and shouting for everyone to go to homeroom.

"Let's get out of here," Tyler said, throwing an arm around my shoulders as he led me towards the doors.

"Not so fast there," Mr. Grant said, grabbing Tyler's arm as Mrs. Clooney dragged Dakota towards the administrative offices, "You two can't leave school property right now."

"With all due respect, sir, I'm not staying here to get pummeled by some angry band geeks," Tyler said, "And neither is Madison. Go ahead and call our parents, I'm sure they'll love to hear how you let a brawl erupt before the start of first period."

[on hiatus] Metamorphosis of a Mean Girl  (How To Rule Your High School Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now