<Coming Soon>

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The fear of the unknown is what drives one to follow what they are told. At least that is how WICKED wants it, they have their whole lives structured and scheduled down to each breath. "You have a greater purpose," they would brainwash them. Yet for a place where Rosie, and her best friend since childhood Newt, is forced into the systematic ways, unexpected and uncontrollable events seem to follow her. Growing up among scientists made her realize everything is a test, everything is controlled, everything is a variable both in WICKED headquarters and the maze. That was until the unforeseen variable, the unexpected problem; Ella. This unprepared for problem is what would separate Rosie from the test-trials glade, from Newt. Could her daughter be the key, the unknown variable that becomes a cure? Would Rosie let her become a science experiment, limit her life to lab, or is the cost of freedom worth it? She would find the best life for her daughter...well, that is after she finds Newt.

Setting and character rights to James Dashner (except for Rosie, Ella, and a few others who came to my mind when I was trying to fall asleep one night).
Based off of my imagines series on tumblr @sirisaacnewtmas

If you are excited for this, give this chapter a like and comment so I can get to know ya!(:

Variables (The Maze Runner) WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now