He grinned, tightening his arm around my waist. "This is Amy Gilbert, the little sister of Katerina Petrova's Doppelganger. She decided to join me and Stefan on your trip."

I laughed, shaking my head before I replied "More like forced to join you and Stefan."

"Not now love," Klaus said.

After that both Gloria and Klaus started talking about his Hybrids, and why he couldn't make any of them. Also, Stefan said something about knowing Klaus a while back, but couldn't remember and that's all because he saw a picture of him and Klaus together from the early 20's and that in the picture, they were hugging and smiling forward at the camera as the picture was taken

"Let's go, love"

Klaus pulled me up from my seat as I snapped out of my own little world that I had created while Gloria and Klaus started talking since I really didn't want to listen to them. "Where are we going?" I asked, strolling out of the bar with Klaus by my side and Stefan trailing behind us."were you even listening? We are going to get my little sister." Klaus said pulling on my arm.

Raising my eyebrows, I said "You have a sister?"

Not even looking at me, just looked ahead of us, Klaus replied "Last time I checked, I did."

It was silent after that... until we walked into a garage thing, which happened to be quite cold to me since I was wearing a pair of shorts, vest-top with a jacket over the top and furry boots. Yeah, not really the best choice thing to wear today but nobody told me that we would be walking into a garage thing that was freezing today. We walked further into the garage thing and that's when I saw five casket like things that looked more like coffins. "This doesn't make any sense, why don't I remember you?" Stefan asked, aiming his annoying question at Klaus.

"You said it yourself, that you had a lot of dark holes." Klaus replied back, finally letting go of my arm.

Getting annoyed, Stefan said "If you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" But instead of asking like a normal person, Stefan decided to yell and that just made me roll my eyes at him.

"I'm kinda busy right now, memory lane will have to wait." Klaus said.

But Stefan didn't want to have to wait for a bit because he grabbed a hold of Klaus' left arm, pulling him backwards while I jumped away and walked away from them, just in case one of them gets the idea that's time to throw the other. "Tell me what's going on, answer me."

"Really...? Both of you are acting like children." I said, but got ignored.

"Let's just say that we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you." Klaus said, removing Stefan's hand off of his arm before carrying on. "To be honest, I hated you, but my sister loved you."

Acting shocked, Stefan asked "You're sister? So I knew another Original Vampire..." But it ended up sounding more like a statement in the end.

"If you can't handle it, then don't ask." Klaus snapped, walking over to one of the caskets.

Both Stefan and I walked after him, and as the top of the casket was lifted up by Klaus, I peeked over his should and saw what looked like a pretty girl, well...if she wasn't dead.

"I don't recognize her." Stefan said.Klaus has been making Stefan drive in and out of States, looking for Werewolves to turn into Hybrids. He wants to make an Army of them, don't really know why but I got dragged along with them because of Stefan, who I will never forgive for this. Along with never forgive Klaus, either because he killed Elena and Aunt Jenna, leaving Jeremy all alone without anyone. Wonder if he's looking for me? Or has he just forgotten all about me? Never going to find out... or am I? Klaus and Stefan have both left me in the car, not watching me as they've gone to find out where a guy called Ray Sutton can be found, and that gives me the chance to escape...right?

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