Chapter 5

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                Getting to the supermarket was easy and the ride was comfortable. The wind blew through my auburn hair as I raced down the street on my motorcycle. Benny had thankfully decided to go back to work instead of follow me around like some damn idiot though he was concerned about me. Hell, I was concerned about me.

“Do you need any help, sir?”

                Turning my attention from the gallons of milk that were set in the refrigerated part of the store, I looked at the short girl who obviously worked there. Blinking, I thought if I really needed help or not. I knew what I had gone in there for, but why hadn’t I just gotten it and left?

“Uh…No thanks. Just getting some milk.” I told her with a polite smile, pointing at the bottles of cold milk.

                After a moment the girl left to go do whatever people who worked in superstores did, leaving me to stare back at the white liquid. White liquid…? Maybe that’s not the best way to substitute the work ‘milk’. Shaking that little off course thought from my head, I opened the door to the milk and reached my hand out to grab a gallon. With each inch it took, I felt my hand get colder and colder.


                My hand stopped, my fingers frozen halfway around the handle of the jug I was grabbing. The scream made each bone in my body- each muscle that I was made with- come to a complete halt. There was a silence. Using it to my advantage, I let go of the handle and ran in the direction I heard the scream.

                As soon as I slid to a stop, I saw a group of school girls surround a shelf of new books. I felt my heart calm and the adrenaline that rushed through me slowed dramatically.

“I can’t believe he came out with a new book!” One girl shrieked.

“It’s so cool looking!” Another said.

“There’s only one copy though!” One whined.

                Listening to the girls whine and shriek, I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. I needed to get the stupid gallon of milk and go home. Granted it didn’t feel like home since the ghosts started following me around, but it was all I had next to my job.

“No way! This book belongs to someone already!”

                I let out a sigh and continued to walk off. I had actually started to get a headache from those teenagers. Part of me expected it since I was used to more quietness when sober than anything else. As the girls continued to talk and whine, I made my way back over to the refrigerated section.

It was empty.

                It was odd that it was empty. Where could everyone have gone? Looking behind me I realized that no one was there either. I raised an eyebrow in suspicion before turning back around slowly, becoming more freaked out about the disappearance of everything, but the clear doors and their cold bodies.

“What the hell?” I whispered to myself.

                I moved my feet closer to the clear door, each step causing my feet to become heavier and heavier. Was I scared? That was impossible. What could I possibly be afraid of?

What could you not be afraid of?

                I whipped my head around. The voice that carried in the air sent a chill down my spine.

Your lover would be ashamed of the man she fell for.

                I felt my knees go weak and I placed a hand on the clear window like door to keep myself standing. Taking a few breathes, my shivering body calmed itself and I looked up. That was something I wish I hadn’t done.


                Watching her scream my name as if she was calling for me, made my body stop moving. I watched as she ran. I could tell she was running for her life, though her eyes were covered. She knew my name, but…

Who was she?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2011 ⏰

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