Chapter 4

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That night I fell asleep with my head between my knees, my back against the door, and my fingers in my hair. It wasn’t the most comfortable way to sleep, but I was too terrified of looking up. I was afraid that if I did then I would see another ghost. After getting used to them over the years I was scared all over again. No! I was paranoid, not afraid. I didn’t fear the ghost so much as the eyeless woman that decided to pop out of nowhere.

When I woke up the next day, I pushed myself up from the floor and welcomed the creaking sound to fill my ears.  It wasn’t pouring outside so I had no reason to sit and stare at my window. It wasn’t going to bring peace to such a paranoid person like me.

Grabbing the wooden bat I usually kept by the door, I placed one hand on the door knob and turned it slowly. Bringing my bat up to swing, the pounding of my heart filled in my ears as I flung the door open. I sighed at the lack of what I saw on the other side. No one, nothing. Placing the bat down, I rolled my shoulders back and turned to get some clothes on. I was fine walking around in my towel, but if I had to run again, I wanted to know that I didn’t have to worry about my towel slipping during my escape.

“I should get back to work.” I muttered to myself, zipping my pants as I walked out of my room.

                I wore my black jeans and a grey sweater with brown work boots. If I planned on getting anything done for once in my life then I had to dress like it…Right?

                As I walked past the bathroom on my way to the kitchen I noticed something on the medicine cabinet that I wasn’t there the other night, but ignored it. I was getting hungry and my head was throbbing with pain. It was the down side to drinking, but it wasn’t going to stop me.

                By the time I shuffled myself into the kitchen, my stomach had reached Nirvana. I was tempted to let it stay that way and go downtown, but once my eyes landed on the box of cereal I kept on the table, all hope was lost.

                With a frown, I trudged over to the cabinet above the microwave and grabbed a bowl before getting the milk out of the fridge. When I reached out to grab it, I frowned deeply. The milk was way past its expiration date and it looked like someone tried blending Swiss cheese with paint and potato chips.

                Not being in the mood to dump the overly rancid milk, I slammed the door shut only to hump in surprise at the wide eyed man that had appeared.

“You look like crap.” He told me while I waited for my heart to calm down. Was he trying to give me a heart attack?

“Thanks.” I mumbled, looking away from the man that went by Benny. “How’d you get in?”

                I wondered about his stealthy entrance into my house. The way my kitchen had been set up, the doorway was in my view with or without the refrigerator being open.

“Window.” He said simply with a shrug.

                I blinked at Benny for a moment and sighed. Since when did he break into houses? The Benny I knew was a tall, dark haired guy that had the IQ of a mastermind. I had known him for ages. Him and his little book he carried around.

 Little book

                Looking Benny up and down, I had realized that he didn’t have his book with him. It was odd, but I didn’t bother asking about it.

“I lost it.”

                I furrowed my brows at the other. What was he talking about?

“The book I’ve been carrying around for years.” He sighed, earning an ‘oh’ from me.

                How’d he know I was wondering about the book? Shaking the question from my head, I turned to leave the kitchen.

“Where are you going?”

                Telling him I was going to the store, I grabbed my wallet from my room. My eyes glanced into the bathroom and caught sight of an eyeless woman watching me. I shuddered, part of me even wondering if Benny could see them too.

“Let me come with.” The tall man said after I pocketed my wallet and made my way to the door.

                Without saying a word, I pushed past the slightly older man and went to the front door. My eyes once again took a gander into the bathroom and noticed something written on the mirror in big, bloody words.


                A shiver went down my spine. Who was I supposed to help? Was this some kind of joke? The shiver that ran down my spine wrapped around my in a surge of anger.

“What the hell Benny?” I scowled, aiming my anger at the other.


“What? I should be asking that! I did ask that! What the hell are you trying to pull?!” I snapped, pointing at the bathroom mirror.

                I gave Benny a hard stare as he looked into the bathroom and then back at me. I watched as he did the same thing for times before scratching the back of his head. He had a confused look on his face which caused me to look at the mirror.

It was blank.


Thank you all for reading chapter four of The Killer In The Storybook :D I know it's not much like the other three chapters, but I'm trying to think of how to get further into the book. It's going good, right? lol.

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Ummm....Yeah I think that it :)

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