Chapter 23

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Alex didn't feel like getting up. He was feeling so sick, so dizzy and the pounding headache wasn't helping. When he tried to sit up, he was rewarded with a wave of dizziness. His head felt burning hot when he touched it and his nose was blocked, making it hard to breathe. Alex shuffled weakly to the kitchen to make food for Channing before he barely managed to get himself to the couch before his legs gave out. Channing abandoned his half eaten breakfast to check on his owner. Alex weakly patted the wolf to tell him to finish his food before coming back. Channing rushed to comply, wanting to be by his owner's side. Alex felt something soft on top of him. Channing had laid a blanket on him. Alex smiled gratefully at the wolf as he was beginning to feel cold.
Channing got worried when his owner was still shivering despite the layer after layer of blanket that he could find. Channing whimpered, wondering what was wrong with the paling boy. The bandages around Alex's throat had started staining blood red. Alex was gasping weakly for oxygen and the sight of his owner struggling to even breathe made Channing feel helpless. Alex was also feeling really hot and he hasn't eaten the whole day despite Channing pulling out a packet of biscuits from the pantry that he could reach easily. Alex was curling up and his face scrunched up slightly as if in pain. Channing patted Alex with its paws, hoping it would comfort the boy. "I really miss him Channing." Alex gasped out weakly when the wolf came cuddling. "How could he die? He is a world class assassin. The best. He wouldn't be caught in a stupid blast." Alex continued, burying his face into the blankets. Alex wiped the tears had escaped his eyes. "I'm so tired Channing." Alex started coughing violently, more blood blossomed on bandage. Channing bolted to the door when he heard it click open. Channing stared at the men standing at the door, scrutinising them and sniffing them to see if they were friends of his owner. If they were, on of the scents he smelt would be on them. "Whoa. Wolf look! It's a wolf!"
"Geez, Eagle I didn't notice." Wolf said, rolling his eyes.
"What's a wolf doing in the house?" Snake voiced his confusion, trying to figure out why Alex wasn't here to greet them. Wolf felt brave, he bent down and carefully reached a hand over to pat the wolf. Channing eyed them cautiously, he approached the Hispanic man who patted his head gently. Channing immediately rushed behind the man's leg and began nudging. The action seemed a bit impatient, like the wolf wants him to go some where. The wolf came forward and raise a paw to point towards the living room. The four men made their way to the living room while the wolf ran ahead. They saw the wolf's paw on a bundle on the couch, nuzzling its nose into the bundle. "What have you got there boy?"
"Cub." Snake whispered in shock. His medic training kicked in immediately, he kneeled next to the couch to look at Alex. The boy was gasping for air, he was burning with fever and shaking. What concerned Snake was the blood stained bandages around his throat. "Cub? Can you hear me? Open your eyes." Snake said gently.
"Shh. We're bringing you to the hospital okay?" Snake said as he gathered the boy in his arms. Both snake and Wolf got into the car while Fox and Eagle stayed back with the wolf.

"He is critical but stable now. He has pneumonia and yesterday's heavy rain must have made him sick." Snake bit his lips worriedly. "What about the neck?"
"His neck... That one is bad, his stitches ripped and the blood went into his lungs. We had to drain to constantly because there seem to be a rupture somewhere. He has multiple internal bleeding. It's bad, he is physically tired from the lack of sleep and I am guessing his... 'Profession' ran him to the ground but he just didn't stop. There must be something that made him do this. Someone has to stop him before he kills himself from this." The doctor pleaded.
"The only person who got to him died... He is upset. Very upset." Snake said quietly, making the doctor gasp at that. The child's love one died? "Someone else has to try anyways." The doctor asked, worry evident as day in his voice. Wolf frowned sadly. "He might not let anyone else in. The person was the last one he would let in, now that he is dead. It is just too traumatic for him."
"Just try. Please."
"We know. We have been trying for so long, he opened up a bit before but now... Anyways can we see him?" The doctor nodded at Snake's request and led them to the ICU. The two veteran soldiers cringed immediately at the sight. The pale teen hooked up to many equipment, tubes running from the machine into his body and an oxygen mask attached to his face. His face was scrunched up as his breath came in ragged gasps. One tube was draining blood from the lungs while another was feeding in blood to replenish. His heartbeat was a little weaker but it was steady for now which was a good sign.

"Would it be possible that Yassen is still alive?" Eagle asked Fox as they stared at the TV, not registering what was actually playing. Fox looked at Eagle before turning back to stare at the TV. "If he was... How do you think Cub would react to seeing a dead lover?" Eagle cringed at the possibilities. Alex could calmly accept that he was alive, be shock about it then get over it. There were loads of things that could happen. But considering what is happening now, if Alex had seen Yassen alive, his heart might just give out. "I hope he is though... Cubbie is killing himself like this... The stress, I can't even deal. I can't even begin to fathom how distress the kid is." Eagle admitted, looking down at his fingers.

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