Chapter 19

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"I was thinking about retirement." Yassen brought up one day during their dinner date. Alex raised an eyebrow at him, his hands paused from trying to cut the steak into smaller bite size pieces. "There isn't a long life expectancy in our line. I use to work because there was nothing to live for if I didn't work for Scorpia. But now? I found something to live for." Yassen elaborated, rubbing his thumb on Alex's hand gently. "I have enough money put away for a luxurious retirement. I'll probably find a mundane job."
"Like?" Alex asked, picking up his cutlery again and taking a piece of steak into his mouth.
"Hmm... I could probably work at a restaurant, teach, run a store or shop, run a café, work for the military - that would be funny - or under security. There's a lot of things I want to do and I can do anything!" Yassen meant it. Being trained by Scorpia, you will have to have little skills from cleaning to making coffee to running a store to cooking, all the way to killing and stealth etc.. It was useful for when trying to blend in and act as least suspicious as possible.

Alex snuggled closer into Yassen as they tried to get comfortable on the chairs in the cinema. When the movie started, Alex and Yassen were silently judging all the characters and all the plot holes they found in the movie, making a mental note for later discussion. The movie they have chosen to watch was: Kingsmen the secret service. Seriously though, the movie has quite a few mistakes. One was that during the fight that broke out in the church, the guy in the background wasn't even putting any effort into swinging the chair. He'll never kill someone with those gentle swings. Watches with amnesia darts, really? The way he aimed and the way they all stayed still, just waiting to get shot is just urgh! They're so frustrating.
"That was interesting... Sorta." Alex said as they walked out of the cinema. "Well actually the only thing interesting was the villian's sidekick, she's pretty cool. The way she managed to dodge those bullets though, but I can't judge. I dodge bullets like that too sometimes."
"Right and by pure luck none actually hits you."
"Ah, yes. Luck of the devil they say." Alex said, a smirk on his lips. Yassen shook his head in amusement as he slung an arm around Alex. A few people were giving them weird looks while some were giggling at how gay couples look cute, especially since both of them were pretty good looking. One was like whispering to her friend saying the country should legalise gay marriage so cute couples like Yassen and Alex could get married, both assassins heard it and shot each other amused glances. "I would actually ask you to marry me if it wasn't for our profession." Yassen breathed into Alex's ear as they got home. The seductive whisper had made Alex shiver in excitement. Yassen had pushed Alex against the wall once the door was shut. "I am happy just as we are right now." Alex murmured before pulling Yassen closer down by the collar of his shirt to whisper in his ear like he did to his. "Besides, are you sure you are ready to be committed into a life long relationship because divorce in my opinion is ridiculous." Yassen smirked as he dipped his head towards Alex's neck. He started sucking and biting on the skin, making Alex moan quietly. Alex's hand snaked up Yassen's neck and into his hair. "Hmm, and why is that?" Yassen mumbled, moving to another spot on Alex's neck. He could feel the vibration from the boy's throat as he spoke. "Like I, hmm, said before. Commitment. Hmm, if you're not committed, why bothering getting married." Yassen trailed kisses back up to Alex's mouth when Alex finished. Yassen could feel Alex's hands playing with his hair, the hands gently running through his hair. Yassen had pinned Alex to the wall with his body, one hand holding Alex's head and one hand on his back, under his shirt. "About retirement... How do you plan on backing out? You died once. People are going to be cautious now just incase you come back to life again." Alex asked when Yassen stopped kissing him, out of breath, and just opting to lean his forehead on the boy's. The both of them were content with just staring into each other's eyes, studying features that people don't have to the chance and opportunity to. "I don't know... I was planning to see how it goes and what my next assignment is."
"What if it doesn't go to plan?"
"There are a lot of scenarios concerning that." Yassen said.
"Like, what if you actually die... Or what if your target isn't who you expect it to be? You know, those type of things." Alex whispered, he was biting his lips again. Yassen noticed he only does it around him or K-unit, and he only does it when he was thinking around different options or solutions to the problem that would be involve any one of their safety. Yassen opened his mouth to tell him not to worry when Alex's phone rang. The boy sighed in annoyance as he pulled out the phone. Yassen stepped back a little to give him space to move but was pulled right back, the boy clutching his jacket tightly as if afraid that the assassin would disappear. Yassen patted Alex's head to reassure him that he would stay but the boy didn't let go of the death grip on his jacket. That conversation about my retirement and the dangers must have affected him deeply. Yassen mused as he pulled Alex into his chest while he answered his phone.
"I need to go, Yassen." Alex whispered once he got off the phone.
"France." Yassen sighed and held Alex a little tighter before letting him go. Alex grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a kiss before he finally let go. Alex went to get his belongs before walking out. "I'll see you soon." Alex said to Yassen who watched him walk out. They never say goodbye. Saying goodbye meant not seeing them ever again, forever.
"... I love you Alex." Alex froze before turning around and mouthed something to Yassen that made him smile.
"I love you too... Yasha."

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