Chapter 15

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"What are we doing in Singapore again?"
"Just think of it as a pit stop for refuelling and a short few hours rest." Alex said helpfully and Eagle brightened up. "But we don't have our passports." Ian said.
"Don't worry. You don't need your passports when travelling with him." Collin said, jerking his head towards Alex who rolled his eyes and was greeted by the border officers who recognised him. "Told you they would recognise you."
"That's because I'm a good boy." Alex said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Geez cut down on the sarcasm would ya?" A new voice said. They all turned automatically to see who it was. "Hello to you too Jess."
"Still in one piece huh, Alex."
"What were you expecting?" Alex asked as he gestured for the rest to follow as he and Jess walked towards the lounge. "I was expecting you would at least be in a wheelchair. You know from spinal injury or something and that you're paralysed for life or something." Jess said innocently.
"That's rude. Are you jinxing me?" Alex asked playfully and looked around. "Where's the rest?"
"I don't-" Jess was cut off by an exclamation.
"Alexander!" Said boy turned around quickly and ducked to avoid a swing. "You little brat! Do you have any idea how worried we were?! After you left, we received news saying a plane crashed and they couldn't find any body in the plane and they found YOUR clothing. We thought you were dead. No news from you at ALL!" The second girl who arrived growled as she swung at Alex who was ducking and dodging her punches. Alex grabbed Cara's wrist and manoeuvred in some weird way, he ended up in top of her, locking her arms behind her back. "That's a black widow move! Oh my god!! I thought it was movie magic!! Is it a real move?" Jess exclaimed in delight. The rest watched in amusement as Alex interacted with the two girls. "Stop squirming, you'll break your arm." Alex said.
"I wouldn't if you would just let. Me. Go." A ghost of a smirk gracing his lips. He looked up at Yassen. "Should I?"
"Probably the best idea if you want to get comfortable." Yassen replied and he reached a hand out to help Alex up. Jess went to buy them coffee as they stayed to chat. "Who is th- Alex! How have you been?"
"Pretty good, Kyle." Alex replied as the man sat down opposite them with Cara.
"So. Who are they?" Cara asked, jerking her head towards K-unit, Yassen and his parents and uncle. "That is the SAS unit I was assigned to stay in, that is my boyfriend, that is my parents and my uncle." Alex introduced.
"Your boyfriend?! Wait wait wait. Your parents and uncle? I thought they were dead and he! He is that Scorpia assassin, um what's his name? That russian one."
"Yes I thought they were dead too but apparently not. And he is Yassen Gregorovich and he is my boyfriend and we are OFFICIAL." Alex answered, answering their unspoken question. Cara was opening and closing her mouth, she slapped a palm to her mouth. "Oh my gawd!! ALEX IS FINALLY DATING. YES! Did you heard that Cindy?! You have to stop hitting on him now, you f*ing cougar!" Cara shouted. Someone, probably Cindy, raised a middle finger at them from one of the desk that is blocked by a divider. Cara leaned back with a satisfied smirk on her face. "See! I told you everything can be settled with a relationship." Cara said smugly, looking at Alex.
"It's depends on what typed of relationship." Alex pointed out and she twitched at Alex being right. Alex relaxed and leaned towards Yassen who instinctively wrapped his arm around Alex to pull him closer. Cara and Jess, who just returned with coffee, aww'ed at the sight.
"Hunter! Hunter! Hunter! You have got to help me!" Another woman came running with a laptop in hand. John tensed and turned around instinctively at his Scorpia codename being called but the woman rushed right past him which confused him and both Ian and Helen, even Yassen. She skidded to a stop next to Alex and dropped to her knees beside him and shoved the laptop to Alex. "Help help help help." She said, relief clearly evident on her face. Alex took the laptop and balanced it on his laptop. "What do you want me to do?"
"My laptop crashed. All the important documents are in there! I don't know what to do and-"
"Shhh. I got this." Alex said, calming her down a little. Alex glanced up at her when he was almost done getting rid of the virus and tracing the documents that got imported then removing them from the other party's computer. "I thought I told you not to call me Hunter."
"Why not? You remember what you did right?"
"Just because we ended up in that jungle doesn't mean anything."
"All you had was a bow and a dozen arrows." She reminded.
"You killed four games with one freaking arrow."
"It's called using your brain and being observant." Alex retorted.
"Fine. Would you like me to called you Storm Shadow or Snake Eye or just skip all that and call you a master?" She asked.
"I'm flattered I got promoted to be a Joe but someone else already called me those." Alex said, putting a hand to his chest in a mock gesture.
"That means it's kinda official, Snake Eye it is then." Alex sighed and handed her laptop back.
"Thanks! You're the best!" She said before skipping away. What is Alex capable of exactly?

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