Chapter 2

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"You're alive?" Alex asked, his voice matured and now it's low and seducing. Yassen couldn't help but swallow to hide the fact that he was attracted to the boy even more. Yassen stepped towards the boy who took a step back and Yassen started stepping towards the boy purposefully, cornering the boy. Alex inwardly cursed as Yassen backed him into the kitchen counter. "Are you really alive?" Alex asked again, his voice quiet as if he doesn't want to know the answer. Yassen looked at the boy before nodding and he suddenly felt bold. He raised a hand to stroke Alex's cheek. To say Alex was shock was an understatement, it freaked him out that Yassen was touching him. It's not that he doesn't love it but that he was scared. He was scared of growing attach.
"Great. Just great." Alex said, his voice cracked as he choked back sobs. "What's wrong?"
"Great, just who else is alive?" Alex mumbled, not seeming to have heard Yassen. "What's wrong Alex?" Yassen asked, stroking Alex's face. Alex stopped Yassen's hand and lowered it before letting go. "Stop it." Alex whispered before stepping away and then making the assassin wait while he retrieved something from his room. Yassen sat down at the couch as Alex shuffled around and after a dull thud and a few clicks and another thud, Alex padded down the stairs and towards the assassin in his living room. Alex was clutching a folder which he then silently held out to Yassen. He looked at the folder questioningly before taking it and opened it while Alex sat down next the him. "What is th-"
"They're alive Yassen. John is alive, so is Helen and Ian." Alex said quietly looking at his bandaged hand and wrist. Yassen looked at the photos clipped in the folder. John was in it smiling brightly at two little boys that were barely two and Helen sat there smiling at her loving husband. There were a few of this family photos before the faces changed and it was Ian with a female and a little girl running towards him. Alex was looking at it too. He felt upset, so upset that nothing could cheer him up. Ian has never smiled so brightly, not at him anyways. Yassen looked up to see Alex's emotionless face. It was so cold and emotionless it scares Yassen sometimes. He doesn't like that expression on Alex's face. Alex sighed and hung his head, his fingers still playing with the bandages and his elbows rested on his knees.
"He lied Yassen," Alex said quietly, "he lied to you. He is... Was... an MI6 agent." Yassen's confusion must have been written on his face as Alex continued. "He was sent in by MI6 to spy on Scorpia."
"Why, why aren't you with them?" Yassen asked after a moment of silence.
"I had a ear infection. They took the flight to France first but Ash, a Scorpia agent spying on MI6, blew up the plane. At least, I thought they died but apparently they didn't." Alex said bitterly. "Why aren't you angry? Yassen, he lied to you."
Yassen was slightly taken aback by the question. Why am I not angry? "... He saved my life, he taught me all this and I became who I am today. He was my mentor, my friend." Alex didn't respond as he pondered on Yassen's answer. He silently reached over to the folder on the table and shuffled through the photos, putting them in a neat pile and clipping them together then he flipped through the pages in the folder, trying to occupy himself. "Do you want coffee Yassen?"
"Yes, please." How did he know I prefer coffee?
Alex got up and glided into the kitchen and he came out 5 minutes later with two cups of coffee. Yassen raised an eyebrow at the teen's own cup of beverage. "You drink coffee?"
"I hate tea. I don't get why we Brits are associated with tea. Not all Brits like tea." Alex said, sipping on his drink. Yassen nodded, wanting to ask a few more questions but not sure whether he would be viewed as being too curious.
"You seem like you want to ask something else Yassen." He had noticed it, the boy kept saying his name even though he was the only person in the room he could address.
"How do you know how I like my coffee?"
"... I don't actually know how you like your coffee Yassen but that's how I like my coffee if it helps?" Alex said, swinging his cup a little. They finished their drink in silence and Alex silently took Yassen's cup and headed into the kitchen to wash it up, Yassen followed.
"Why?" Yassen blurted out. "Why do you keep saying my name?" Alex never paused from his washing, he finished and turned to look at Yassen. "What do you mean?"
"I'm the only person in the room that you can be talking to."
"How would you know? I might be a medium for all you know, there could like ghosts floating around this house." Alex said jokingly. Yassen cracked a small smile, the boy finally lightened up.
"Tell me. Why do you keep saying my name?" Yassen asked, getting softer as he got closer and pushing up against Alex, leaning in to whisper in the boy's ear. "Because, I like your name Yassen." Alex whispered right back, sending shivers down the man's spine. That's why I love him. He makes me feel alive.

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