Chapter 17

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They arrived at Royal and General bank after Alex landed the plane and they were all escorted to a black limousine. Alex insisted that Yassen will be fine if he entered.
"Alex, I- is that who I think it is?" Alan Blunt asked.
"He is a legal citizen." Alex said as he handed Blunt a hard drive then stepped back to stand with the rest. Mrs Jones was looking worried as she looked at Alex and his family. He was standing very far away from them. "Um, Alex, there is someone here looking for you." Mrs Jones said and Alex's eyes immediately drifted from her to a shadowed corner of the room. A man stepped out with a long katana in hand, the katana had a black handle with a very intricate sheath. "Young master." The man greeted with a bow, Alex bowed back politely.
"Would you like to do this somewhere private?" Alex asked and the man declined, saying it doesn't matter. Alex stepped towards the man and they had a quiet whispered conversation when the man suddenly kneeled on one knee with his head bowed, holding out the sword with both hands. Alex jerked in surprise, almost wanting to take a step back or just dart forward to make the man stand up. He quickly got down to get the man to stand but he wouldn't budge so Alex kneeled in front of him so they were on the same level. "Please take the sword, young master. Grand master have passed away, he insisted you receive the sword with his last breath."
"How did he die?" Alex asked after he took the sword with both hands and rested it on his lap and the man raised his head.
"We found this." The man said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out something before palming it to Alex.
"I believe Grand master died trying to protect you." Alex's jaw clenched and his hands tightened around the sword handle and its sheath. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. "Young master?" Alex opened his eyes and pulled out the sword to look at it.
"I swear on the clan sword that I will avenge for the grand master and my sensei." Alex whispered only for the man to hear whilst standing up and sliding the sword back in one fluid motion. The man put his hands together, one fist in his other palm, in respect and bowed before leaving. "Is there anything else?" Alex asked smoothly, turning back to Blunt.
"Your family?"
"I am not going to live with them nor are they going to live with me. I doubt they would want to." Alex said and looked at his mom who was about to cry but she held it back when he looked at her with eyes that only she would understand. He wasn't happy about it but he has to do it anyways. "I can't, I can't risk it." Alex added. "Is that all?"
"Yassen Gregorovich." Blunt reminded.
"Ah, yes. He is a legal citizen after all. His home town is gone so you can't technically deport him and I will be watching him so you need not worry."
"And the people he is hired to kill?"
"You already said he would be hired to kill, it's his job. It's my job too. Aren't you gonna arrest me too and throw us into high security prison?" Alex debated.
"You are working for the government."
"Not all the time, I work for the government yes, but when you send me out to work with some criminal organisations or criminals, I work for them and with them too." Alex rebutted. Blunt sighed, ALEX MADE THE HEAD OF MI6 SIGH IN DEFEAT!!!
"Fine. I'll keep one eye closed. I'll pretend we can't do anything."
"Good. Because you can't." Alex said before turning away and strolling out with Yassen in tow.
"Did he just dismiss me?" Alan asked, incredulous.
"John, Helen and Ian, we have been taking care of your kids so don't worry, your next flight would be in two hours." Jones informed.
"You're all dismissed." When they walked out they saw Alex walking into a office and Yassen stood outside but Alex pulled him in and shut the door. "He has his own office!" Eagle exclaimed when they reached the door and saw Alex's name on the door. They were contemplating on whether they have to wait for him or just leave when the door opened. "Aren't you guys gonna go home?" Alex asked walking towards the lift.
"What? I thought you were gonna cook us dinner!" Eagle exclaimed, horrified at the thought that Alex wasn't going to cook, his cooking was divine.
"Well then we better get going, our flight is in two hours." John said. Alex nodded at them before he turned and walked away, not saying a single thing. Alex drove back to his house with K-unit and Yassen in the car. He went upstairs to shower and change then headed downstairs to start cooking. Eagle was bouncing around the kitchen, getting very impatient and annoying. "If you don't settle down, I am going to chain you down to that chair by the dining table and you can watch us eat." Alex threatened, turning to face Eagle with a 'you know I am capable of that' smirk on his face. Eagle gasped in horror and took off to the other side of the island and sat in the tall seat next to Snake.
At least some part of my life is somewhat normal.

I will always love youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя