Aomine Daiki (Sudden Love)

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It was the first day of your second year. You were a little bit sleepy as whole summer you woke up nearly at 1 or 2 o'clock. Wherever you looked were newbies. Suddenly you dumped into someone. That was a pink haired girl. She fell down. You lended her your hand to help and pulled her.
"My apologies. Are you alright?" You asked a bit worried.
"Yes, everything's fine." She said with a smile.
'What a bright person' you thought.
"Oi, Satsuki what happened?"
"Nothing much Dai-chan, I just fell".
When her friend came you started to walk away, but she stopped you. "Um... Sorry are you new to here as well?" She asked "No." You answered. "So can you please show us our classroom? It's (random class)." she said with a smile. "As long as it is near mine, yes!" You said and started walking. They followed you. "By the way, I'm Momoi Satsuki. Nice to meet you!" She introduced herself "I'm (L/N)(F/N)." You introduced yourself as well. "And he's Aomine Daiki!" Satsuki introduced her friend too. "Oi, no one asked to introduce me!" Her friend is a little grumpy.

As you reached to your classroom you showed them theirs which was right after yours. After a while Satsuki came and asked you to show them the school. You agreed.

-A meanwhile later-

You and Satsuki became close friends. (Aomine too.)
And one day Momoi invited you to her house.

So once you were at Momoi's you two danced, singed, jumped and did more weird stuff like these <-. And when you got tired you started to look through Satsuki's photo albums.

In one of the albums you saw someone really familiar. It was Daiki. But.... He was really smiley in the photo which shocked you. Momoi noticed you staring at it.

"Heh (F/N)-chan. Why are you looking at this image so long?" She said with a smirk. "It's just weird." You answered. "Just how much he changed. From a little cute boy to a .... " you took breathe and continued. "Grumpy idiot."

"Though he's hot. But still.. He's an idiot!" You said your thoughts loud not even noticing.

Momoi stared at you. You stared back at her with puzzled look. "You l-like Dai-chan?" She asked. "W-whaaaaaat?! No way!" You shouted at her. "Well, I think he likes you." Satsuki said with a smirk. "That's not possible!" You laughed. "Who knows?!" She said with a smirk (again).

-A meanwhile later-(N°2)

Your sister was coming to Tokyo for the holidays. Of course with her beloved boyfriend whom you hated way too much. And as they were going to stay at your house (A/N you lived alone) you decided to leave the house to them (and of course locked your room's door). So you asked Satsuki if you can stay at hers, but she said no, cuz somehow her relatives were going to stay there.

And suddenly she came out with the worst idea ever. The WORST. As if you can stay at Daiki's....

The lessons ended and as you had nowhere to go you stayed and watched basketball team's practice. Momoi asked you to go bring Daiki to practice. You went to the rooftop. He was lying in the cold ground. You told him to go but it was useless again. Then you remembered Momoi's idea. So... Having no other choice, you asked Daiki for it. Of course you knew the answer. Of course he disagreed.

After school activities, you, disappointed, started to head to your house.

But suddenly someone grabbed your arm. That was Aomine. "You can stay in my house, Tch." "Really??" You asked surprised. "Yeah...... But you'll have to cook..." "Okaaay." You were so happy that even hugged him. "Oi, let go of me, I can't breathe!"

So you were at Aomine's already.
It was night already and you wanted to sleep. He said you'll sleep in the sofa,but he was sitting in the sofa. "Um..... Can you please get up? I wanna sleep." You said a little confused cuz it was his house after all and you couldn't tell him what to do. " were going to sleep here?" he said forgetfully. "Go to the bedroom. I'll sleep here."
"W-what? I can't do that. I don't wanna make trouble." You said worried.
"Just go there already, Tch!"
"Okay, good night then."
"Yeah, whatever."
You went to his bedroom and easily fell asleep because you were too tired.

In the middle of the night you woke up, cuz something tickled your neck. Then you realized something's holding you. And that something was AOMINE!!! You got out of the bed which woke him up.

"What are you doing Daiki? You said you'll sleep in the sofa!" You shouted at him.
"I didn't feel like sleeping there. Then this is my house I'll do that whatever I want to!" He said with a smexy voice which made you blush >\\<.

"I-im going to sleep in the sofa!" You said and got out of the room.

In the morning, after breakfast you started doing your homework. Then you noticed that Daiki's doing nothing but looking through his Mai - chan magazine.
So you asked "Aren't you going to do your homework?" 
His answer was short and clear  "No."
"Why?"you asked curiously.
"I don't give a damn what's written in the books. And I don't even care about it."  
"I can explain you."  
"Oh c'mon, that'll be interesting."   
Then out of blue you grabbed his Mai-chan photo book and said you'll give it back if he'll study.
"It's my house, you can't order me what to do."  
"Then I'll burn this down!" You said with a threatening look.
So you started teaching him. He looked some kind of concentrated. After you finished you gave him his magazine back.

The next day when you were cooking breakfast Daiki's hands embressed you from behind.
"D-daiki!!! What are you doing???"  
"Waiting for my breakfast." He said with a smirk.
You tried to face him and asked "I don't mean that! Why are you...."

Suddenly your lips were covered by his. You were shocked. Your face was all red and your heartbeat became even faster. You tried to push him away but he was too strong.
When he stopped kissing you he just said "I love you (F/N), be mine, .....please." His words made your heart skip from it's place. And suddenly you felt butterflies flying in your stomach and understood that you want him too.

Then he kissed you once more and this time you kissed him back.
Since then you are together.

-After a meanwhile (N°3) the end of the term.-

Everyone from Touou's basketball club was in the gym waiting to see Aomine's grades. When he appeared and showed his grades everyone was shocked. They were more than average. (For him it's very good).
"Haaa...... So that's what love can do to people...."
"Shut up, Satsuki..."

The end
Thanks for reading:)
Hope you liked it(^^)~~~

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