Takao Kazunari (Single as a Pringle)

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A special thank you to @Paula_Kulik for requesting the story and for waiting so long for me to write it 😭 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, hope you like it 😇


17:45, Tuesday the 26th

It's a lazy  summer afternoon. The sun is still brightly shining, sweat is dripping down your face and the heat is so strong that not even a fan can get you out of your misery.

"Maaaaaaaan, it's so hoooooot, even though I love summer, I hate days like these when I don't have any energy or motivation to do anything" Takao, your best friend since middle school, pouted.
You two have decided to spend the summer together, as the basketball activities were cancelled for this season because of the abnormal temperature.

"Yeahhhhh, we can't even go out to swim without getting sunburned" you agreed and took a sip from your already warm bottle of coke. "On days like these I'm happy for not having a realationship, imagine having to cuddle with your partner at this weather"

"Oh c'mon, (Y/N)-chan, as if the weather is the only reason why you don't have a boy/girlfriend" Takao stated teasingly, "a few months ago you were complaining about not having anyone to cuddle with when it's cold at night"

Takao ended his sentence with a teasing pout which made you glare at him. If looks could kill your dear friend would've been dead by now.

"As if you are any better Kazu, 'I'm waiting for the right person' has become a part of your everyday vocabulary. Just admit that you cannot flirt with anyone and let's call it a day" You stated and stuck out your tongue at him.

"YOU are one to speak!!! I bet I can flirt way better than you!! If we were of the same gender and had the same looks, I would be the one getting all the attention!!" Takao got worked up which made you laugh.

"Bet you say, huh? Well let's both sign up on Binder and see which one of us will get most matches" you suggested. "We both put on the same picture, same age, same gender, preferably a man because girls get too many swipes and we won't be able to count them out, AND then we'll see which one of us IS the better FLIRT". You ended your sentence with a smirk.

Takao returned your smirk. "The winner has one wish, deal?"

"Deal." You shook hands and decided to pick Midorima as your Binder model. Because who else is more suitable for this position other than the green haired megane-kun?

And so the challange started. You had exactly one day to chat, flirt and attract people on Binder. You've spent the evening mostly chatting with random strangers on the infamous dating app and rarely spoke with each other.

23:09, Tuesday the 26th

"Some of the people out here are quite cool, y'know Kazu" you yawned out your words, then continued, "They make me wish I would've signed up with my own picture and all, haha."

Takao giggled, not looking up from his phone.

You threw your hands up while yawning once again. "Now I feel like a single pringle again, you idiot."

"How is it my fault?? It was your suggestion you dumbass. Also pringles aren't single, neither are you, you have me" Takao winked at you and stuck out his tongue. You let out a laugh and stuck your tongue back at him.

"Okay I'm going to sleep Kazu Kazu Kakazu, this whole dating thing has exhausted me and we've been doing this for only a few hours." You got up from your seat and walked towards the bedroom. "Good night"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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