Kuroko Tetsuya (A date is a date)

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On one Saturday, rain poured down like never before. Normally you were indifferent or even fond of rainy weather, but today wasn't the case. The very well planned beach date of you and Kuroko was now cancelled. It took you weeks to convince him to go to the beach, but now..... you felt like all your effort was in vain.

Your parents were out of town for the weekend, so Kuroko didn't waste the opportunity to spend alone time with you at your home. He knew how heartbroken you would be. And knowing you, he was prepared for your long rant about the weather. Thus being the caring boyfriend he is, he brought some chocolate, chips, milkshakes, some other snacks and a special something. For he had planned a surprise for you.

Tetsuya arrived at around 12 o'clock. You were in your everyday house clothes, with a blanket hanging on your shoulders. You were trying to hide your sad expression and greeted your boyfriend with a warm hug. Kuroko could read your poker face, so his hug was more loving and sweet than normal. He stole a small kiss from you and came inside.

After unpacking all the snacks, you sat on the sofa, across from each other. You were angrily eating chips and sipping on your (favourite flavour) milkshake while holding back your tears.

"If you keep your emotions inside, I won't be able to help you (Y/N)-chan." Said Tetsuya with a stern look on his face, "You know that I'm always ready to hear about what you have in mind." With that he took your hand and planted a little kiss on it.

Kuroko is the perfect person to rant to. He's, what psychologists call, an active listener. He only gives feedback when needed and doesn't overwhelm you with advices. He'd probably be a good therapist, however some people might think he's too emotionless for the job. What they do not know is that Kuroko is a really emotional and caring person, he just doesn't like to show it. It's not part of his personality.

Time skip

Two hours have passed since you started your rant. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for both you and Tetsuya. You cried out of anger, then cursed the rain, then thought maybe it was for the best and gods have saved you from a tsunami, then you were mad again and so the cycle continued. After you were done, Kuroko suggested to eat something. He cooked some (fav dish) and pancakes for dessert. He then put on your favourite show for you to relax.

You two ate while hugging under the blanket. Sometimes Kuroko would tickle you to make you laugh and would giggle himself from your reaction. Then you'd feed him pieces of your pancake and wipe his now dirty face like you'd do it with babies. After a while Kuroko went to do the dishes. Although you were desperate to help him, he stubbornly made you stay on the coach and continue watching.

Quite a lot of time had passed but Kuroko was still washing the dishes. It made you wonder why it took him so long when there were only a few dishes. Sure he is sometimes slower than other people but this was a bit too much. Right as you were about to get up, Kuroko came into the room. Dressed in nothing but a pair of swimming shorts. You watched him in surprise.

"You know that it's raining right Tetsu-kun?" Kuroko nodded. "And it's also a bit too late for us to go the beach, why are you wearing your swimwear?"

"Just because it's raining doesn't mean we have to cancel our date." Said Tetsuya as he moved towards the remote controller to turn off the TV. He then took your hand and lead you somewhere.

You were still shocked and unable to process anything, when Kuroko opened the door to the bathroom. There you saw that he had filled the bathtub with water, put in a bath bomb, brought an LED lamp that changes its colours every few seconds and put your laptop on top of a chair, cozy enough for you two to watch something while sitting in the bathtub.

You looked at Tetsuya in awe. He handed you your new swimsuit: "I'll be waiting outside until you put it on. Tell me when you're done." He gave you the warmest smile and was about to get out of the room when you threw yourself on him.

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TETSU-KUN" you disclaimed, followed by a bunch of kisses. "I knew that you were considerate but I wasn't expecting such a thing today" you said as you hugged him tighter.

Kuroko kissed your forehead. "I know it's not the same as going to the beach, but we can pretend we are in the ocean, right?"

"Sure... it's even better than the beach." You said and kissed Tatsuya once again before changing into your swimsuit.

You then spent the whole evening in the bathtub. You watched a movie, sang some songs, splashed around in water and cuddled almost the whole time.

And even though it wasn't the same as going to the beach, it was perfect in its own. At the end a date is a date, no matter where it is. The only thing that matters is the person you are with =)


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