23 Under Control?

Start from the beginning

IU ran towards Sulli and hugged her almost crashing the plate of cake. Sulli gave the cake to IU and they sat on the chairs.

“Wow…I didn’t know you’ll be here.” said Sulli

“I was also surprised to see the invitation this morning. And Wow…this is a grand room.” said IU

Sulli suppressed the thought running in her mind. This room is no match from the real WW200 inside the other simple looking door. But Sulli doesn’t want to ruin IU’s happiness.

“The letter said they want me to celebrate your achievement with you. I am soooo happy for you!” said IU

“Thank you, IU. I wouldn’t have done it if you’re support wasn’t there for me all the time. But this is just the beginning.” Said Sulli

Sulli is touched beyond words. Having IU in WW200 is a big surprise to her. She knows WW club does not invite people here freely. And so knowing they allowed IU here is a big gift to her.

Sulli and IU did some catching up. And before long, they did not notice that it already got late.

“Wow..it’s 6PM! I need to go Sulli! Wooyoung will be waiting for me.” Said IU

“Go ahead, IU.” Sulli hugged IU “I missed talking to you like this.”

IU hugged Sulli tight “Me too. Let’s do this more often.”


Sulli has said “Thank You” the 10th time that night. Even during their celebration dinner, Sulli has said Thank You non-stop.

Krystal whispered at Jonghyun “It seems talking to IU made her really happy.”

“Yeah, it did.” Said Jonghyun

After dinner, Minho tried to grab Sulli’s arm while everyone is going down the stairs.

“I’ll drive you home tonight, Sulli.” Said Minho

“Umm… but I thought Jonghyun’s studio is near our place. I think it’s best to just ride with him so that you won’t be bothered to drive far anymore.” Said Sulli

“I don’t mind driving far.” Said Minho

“But Sulli is right Minho.” Said Jonghyun at the bottom of the stairs. “It’s most logical if I drive her home. We’re going the same way anyway.”

“Jonghyun is right.” Said Krystal

Minho released Sulli’s arm.  He feels irritated…no he’s angry.

“Is there a problem, Minho?” asked Jonghyun

“No. Nothing.” said Minho but Minho can’t hide the anger in his eyes.


Jonghyun saw Minho’s eyes earlier.  What do you plan to do now, Minho? Can you still say that you have it under control? The other day, Jonghyun is surprised to hear Minho just saying Yes when he wanted to take Sulli home. That means he really still has his feelings under control. But earlier, Jonghyun can see Minho’s patience is running thin. Minho even wanted to take Sulli home even if he knows it’s not going to be logical anymore because Jonghyun has a studio near Sulli’s house.

Now is it still under control?

Jonghyun chuckled.

“What’s funny?” asked Sulli

“Oh…ummm…nothing I was just thinking of something. I’m glad you enjoyed our surprise.” Said Jongyun

“Yes, I did. Thank you for inviting IU.” Said Sulli

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