2 The First Attack

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Chapter 2

The First Attack

The day of the exam result came and Sulli is nervous. Did she make it? 

“My heart is going to burst.” Said IU

Sulli knows the feeling, it’s the exact same feeling she has, it’s just that Sulli did not bother to say it out loud.

IU received a phone message. She stopped walking.

“What’s up?” asked Sulli

“Sulli…I just received a notification from Sun Life…I passed!!!!” shouted IU. IU is so happy that she literally jumped with joy.

Sulli felt more nervous. Why didn’t she receive a message. In just a minute, Sulli also received a message but this time, it says she needs to check the school bulletin in front of the Arts building.

And so IU went with Sulli to check. But when they got there, a large crowd was already creating a commotion.

“That’s with all these people?” asked Sulli

“I’m not sure. What can be in the bulletin?” asked IU

IU tapped someone as if that person is someone she knows. Sulli is sure that IU just tapped a random person.

“Hey, what’s up? Why are there a lot of people?” asked IU

“Ummm…you didn’t hear? The top 10 of the freshmen batch is posted in the bulletin.” Said the Guy

“Really? Wow! Sulli, you might be one of the top 10!” said IU

“Sulli? You are Sulli Choi?” asked the guy

Everyone else’s heads turned around them.

“Umm…Yes.” Answered Sulli.

Suddenly the people started making a way for her towards the bulletin. It’s like Sulli suddenly feel like vanishing. Why are they making a way for me? Why are they all looking at me?

Sulli slowly walked towards the Bulletin, IU is behind her.

“I smell something fishy here…this is weird.” said IU

When Sulli got to the bulletin, she’s surprised to see familiar stunning looking faces…

WW club.

Why are they standing by the bulletin board? And they look like they’re waiting for something…or someone. Are they the reason why all these people are here?

“Can you be…Choi Sulli?” asked the beautiful one in the middle

“That’s Suzy” whispered IU. “The one on the left is Krystal. The one on the right is Hara.”

The guy Jonghyun chuckled

“From the description we got…it seems she’s the one.” Said Jonghyun looking at her for a second then looking away

“Thick glasses that’s almost like a magnifying glass… Unruly hair that almost resembles a bird’s nest…uniform which is 3 sizes bigger than her body…Yup, that’s her.” Said the Hara.

Krystal chuckled and just looked away.

Sulli felt goosebumps…the situation doesn’t look good….far from good…These people are insulting her in front of the entire school! What did she do wrong?!

“Tsk tsk…she looks so surprised.” Said Jonghyun.

“We better hurry, Suzy. We’ve been out here too long. You know we have very limited time to spend here.” said Krystal looking at her watch impatiently

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