6 Counter Challenge

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Chapter 6

Counter Challenge

Miss Jung was called to the Chairman’s office. She has already anticipated that she will be reprimanded for allowing Sulli to be part of the organizing team for the beauty contest, but she didn’t think that the chairman would personally be the one to do it.

“You’re quite brave for allowing her to drop off from the competition.” Said the chairman, a middle aged woman

“She did what I asked her to do. It was not an easy job. But she was able to pull it off. I had to keep my word.” Said Ms. Jung

“Aren’t you afraid to be kicked out of this University…And possibly blacklisted in the entire Korea?” asked the chairman

Miss Jung smirked

“If you think I’m that faint hearted, you wouldn’t have assigned me to the WW club classes, right?” said Miss Jung

The chairman chuckled.

“That is true.” Said the chairman

“So can you give me 2 weeks before you kick me out?” asked Miss Jung

“That’s not necessary.” Said the chairman

“You will have me stay?” asked Miss Jung

“I am interested in what this Sulli Choi will do. It’s been a while since WW club has been woken up like this. Let’s just watch for a while. “

“So my fate is going to be determined by the outcome of these kid’s game?” asked Ms. Jung

“Yes, so better hope this turns up well.” Said the chairman


“We can get a Vera Wang gown, you know.” Said Krystal

“Hmm… I just feel that I should just get a local designer. Getting a gown from the US takes a long time.” Said Suzy

Krystal and Suzy were discussing where to get a gown for the beauty contest when Hara entered the room with a paper on her hand.

“8. We have 8 girls competing!” said Hara

“Oh really? Where did they get the other 5?” asked Krystal

“Hmmm I am not sure how the organizers were able to pull in people, but it’s interesting right? Up until the other day, no one would register. And now we have 5 unknown names on the list.” Said Hara

Jong hyun looked at the list.

“Not entirely unfamiliar. The one on the top has sent us letters the past years wanting to be our member. The 2nd one is the queen of the Art Department.” Said Jonghyun

“Wow, You remember them?” asked Suzy

“I pay attention to beautiful women. I just don’t make it obvious.” Said Jonghyun

“I’m just wondering how were they convinced.” Said Hara

“Hmm…Jonghyun is right…The names really look familiar. Ummm….yeah! I remember!” said Krystal “These are the women who have in one way or another tried to make a move on Minho!”

“You remembered their names?” asked Suzy

“I remember their names just in case they make another move. This one aside from trying to be a WW club member, she also asked her Dad to talk to Minho’s Mom to set them up, remember?” asked Krystal

“Yeah…that was ridiculous.” Said Suzy

“This one here, she organized an event where the Art department has to vote a couple. And she made sure her name and Minho’s name would win. Her plan was the winning couple has to kiss. But she ended up alone on stage when she won because Minho never came.” Said Krystal

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