14 Friendship

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Chapter 14


Sulli can’t sleep. She can’t understand how everything turned out this way. She was bullied by WW club not once but countless times. And then Minho came to her rescue. But now he wants her to be a WW club member. And the worst part? She just received a memo saying she needs to get into a club within a week, or else it’s Bye Bye Sun Life.

Why is she being pushed into a corner like this?

“You should just accept it, Sulli. It’s a privilege. A lot of students in Sun Life had tried and still are trying to get in WW club. But they never had the chance. You on the other hand, the opportunity is already knocking at your door. You should grab it.” Said IU

“After everything they did to me? How can I easily accept being their member? That’s like saying everything they did is OK. It wasn’t ok!” said Sulli

“But it was ok that those 6 girls bullied you? It was ok to beg Minho to have them returned in Sun Life when they actually deserve to be kicked out?” said IU

Sulli knows IU has a point, the fact that she can forgive the 6 and can’t forgive WW club is not logical…but she can’t help it.

 “You know what…they are not your responsibility Sulli. They are 6 bullies. They hurt you and they deserved to be kicked out. If you don’t want to be a WW club member don’t let things that’s not within your control bother you. I’ll support you whatever is your decision.” Said IU

“Even if they bullied me…I just can’t bear the thought that their lives will be destroyed because of me…Because it’s within my control, IU…I can actually help them…if I would choose to be a WW club member.” Said Sulli

Sulli is confused. And she knows she needs to get a decision soon. But a lot of things are running on in her mind.


IU has just finished her last subject for the day. Sulli’s class is not going to end until an hour from now. IU sent a message to Sulli telling her that she’ll wait for her in the canteen. When IU went out of the classroom, someone gave her an envelope. When she opened it, it says she needs to go to the school’s café and meet WW club’s Jonghyun. IU is surprised at the note…but she still went to the cafe nervous and afraid.

Jonghyun saw IU coming. Good thing he was able to get the girl’s schedule. IU immediately saw him and Jonghyun waved at her to acknowledge her.

IU sat across Jonghyun.

“Hi.” Greeted IU “You said you want to talk to me?”

“Yes” answered Jonghyun “I’m glad you did not hesitate to come here.”

“The truth is I’m nervous at what you might be planning to do to me. Sulli has suffered too much already. If you’re planning to use me in any way to hurt her, please know that I won’t do it.” Said IU

Jonghyun had to laugh at that.

“I guess I need to tell you why I wanted to talk before you make any further assumptions.” Said Jonghyun “I am here to ask you a favor.”

IU is surprised. The mighty Jonghyun is asking her a favor?

“A favor? From me? What can I possibly do that WW club can’t?” said IU

“You’re starting to sound like Sulli Choi.” Said Jonghyun “But being together everyday…I guess that can’t be helped…the favor…I need your help to convince your friend to become our member.” Said Jonghyun

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