Clashing Steel, Unscathed Sinew - The Grangor, Part 2

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Authors Note: This is the second part of the two part chapter: Clashing Steel, Unscathed Sinew. Part one and part two lead up to the same ending but are in different perspectives. This chapter shows the perspective of the Grangor Brute, Glaive.

Concept changes from actual game:
-Removed game element of "Kraken Capture"
- Removed two turrets closer to Vain Crystal
- Rona is more 'emotional' in this story as it vaguely dives into her past, thus also providing a more 'real' feel and an awkward introduction of a feminine side she never managed to express.
- Glaive on the other hand, begins to awkwardly touch onto the concept of 'interpersonal emotion', evidenced through constant questioning after a long time working in solitude and combat and providing a different angle to the mercenary we know in the game.

Glaive Intro: Glaive, a Grangor mercenary who finds solace in cleaving his enemies clean. Responsible for the loss of one of Ringo's arms, he now roams the Halcyon Fold in search of other combatants to make trophies out of and pocket gold to survive. This is Part Two of Two in the two part chapter 'Clashing Steel, Unscathed Sinew!'


I hadn't left the base, and I decided to sell lively and exotics items to the small merchant in order to get more money. "In order to conquer the jungle and slaughter my enemies, I will need to purchase a Sorrowsblade, Serpents Mask, Shiversteel, and an Aftershock." I grumbled to the small merchant sitting behind a counter. A short moment later I was given the items I demanded in exchange for the gold I earned from selling my lively and exotic items. I walked off the base and away from the small shop, resting my rocket axe against my shoulder.

"I can track them by their fear..." I grumbled as I trudged into the jungle. Hearing the disembodied voice saying "Enemy team has captured one of two minion mines." I knew I had to rush over and take the remaining minion mine before the enemy team gets to it. "Your team has captured one of two minion mines, allied minions are now stronger." The disembodied voice exclaimed.
After capturing the minion mine, I headed towards the gold miner. Only to watch from a nearby bush as the Kraken slaughter the gold minor with his own pick axe once used to mine for gold.

I finished purchasing my items and began walking towards the Kraken with a murderous intent, only to be stopped by the sound of what seemed to smell like a drop of sweat splashing into a small puddle of sweat on the ground. I began to sniff the air, returning to the bushes by the jungle. Except instead of returning to the bushes I was just in, I stomped and trudged to the bush just opposite of the one I was just in.

Gripping my rocket axe tightly, I cautiously stepped into the bushes, sniffing around for the enemy that had made the slightest mistake of letting sweat drop into a small puddle of sweat around their feet. Suddenly, I see my target. I looked over the female and was wondering if she was going to look me in the eyes and challenge me. Soon enough, she did. But little did she know that by looking a Grangor in the eyes, you are challenging us, threatening us, and bringing your demise closer.

My bloodlust intensified as dormant primal instincts began to call for a brutal assault, for I had sensed that this was a tough foe. A muscly human with scars of battle, evidenced by a giant claw slash on her belly. "I'll split her twofold..", I thought as I struggled not to let the primal instinct possess me. I readied my jet powered axe for combat, but then suddenly she jumped to the next bush; standing in full form and slightly crouched, as if in a battle stance.

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