The Red Lantern Festival (Ozo and Koshka Hero Lore)

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"Wait up, Ozo!"

Mad blue sparks flashed from Ozo's ring as it bumped down the cobbles of the Undersprawl's main avenue, Ozo in its center, Koshka dashing doubletime after him in her prettiest red party dress. Red lanterns cast a charming glow on the dingy neighborhood, and paper cutouts decorated the windows of even the roughest taverns. Ozo spun to a flourished stop by the minion pens at the city gate. "I win!" he cried. The minions clapped.

Koshka caught up and gave Ozo's nose a pinch. "It isn't impressive if you ride in the ring!"

Ozo hooted laughing, crouching among the fragrant kumquat trees that grew by the fence, his tail flicking. "Don't be jealous that I'm faster. And can jump farther."

"You cannot," said Koshka as she hopped the fence to the minion pen. "No one jumps farther than me. Come now, sweeties, it's festival time!" she crooned at the minions.

"Can too. I can jump this whole city in one leap. And I'm stronger than all these minions put together. My ring weighs more than two elly-fants. Just try." He held his ring out over the fence.

"What's an elly-fant?" Koshka ignored the ring; the minions grunted and shoved their noses into her palms as she handed each a red envelope. "Don't be rude," she ordered, bopping one greedy beast on the noggin. "Open it over there." The beasts crowded in a corner away from her, tearing open their envelopes. Two shiny gold coins dropped out of each. The minions tried to eat them.

"I can transform into anything," bragged Ozo. "Guess what I am!" He paced back and forth along the fence on all fours, meowing.

Koshka giggled. "That's nothing. I can pretend to be a girl." She stood up on her two feet and pranced around the pen, her chin jutted up, and murmured in a breathy voice, "Look at me, I'm a princess. I like peanut butter."

"I can summon the wind!" cried Ozo, then puffed out a big breath at her.

Koshka stumbled as if blown backward. "Whoa. Just for that, I'll summon the rain." She stuck out her tongue and blew a big zzzzrrrrbbbt at her monkey friend.

Ozo jumped away right in time, throwing down his ring and standing in the middle. "Well I can cast a protective barrier. Nothing can get me in here!"

Koshka wiggled her bum and shot forward on all fours right at him, leaping over the ring. "I'm way too strong for your dumb barriers!"

"You're powerful," said Ozo, "But I bet I can fit more kumquats in my mouth than you can."

The pair dashed for the kumquat trees and jammed the fruit into their mouths, counting until the numbers were just muffled syllables. Koshka had to concede the victory to Ozo when her lumpy cheeks filled to bursting.

"Okay, okay," said Koshka, chewing up the last of her mouthful. "But I can do a magic thing."

"Nuh uh. You don't know magic."

"I know a thing," she said. "Watch." She scooted up close to Ozo and looked at his face. Her fingers slipped behind one of his ears. "Look what I found!" she announced, and held up a melon candy.

"Whoa," whispered Ozo in awe, taking the candy. "You do know magic."

"Happy Red Lantern Festival," she said, hugging his neck, and the two sat and ate candied fruit together, watching the lanterns glow red on the cobbles as the sun set.

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