The Last 30 Seconds

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Silently, he gazed upon his new prey. A man clad in incomplete red armour, his left arm exposed. An air of vengeance hung around him as he stayed in the bush opposite his closest to the Jungle Shop. Battle cries of minions and enemy heroes silenced in the Lane, and there was only one enemy left.

"Yes... He shall do...", Krul muttered to himself.

Noticing he had no golden pauldron piece equipped, he made his move. Ripping Hellrazor from his chest, he threw it with killing intent at the man. He noticed and instantly generated a hexagonal shield made of light around himself, but it didn't stop Hellrazor from lodging itself in his armour. He yelled in pain and staggered.

Next, Krul brandished a cold anchor-like chain and a frosty haze surrounded his body. His hands had a black and blue haze and his reanimated corpse rushed ever closer to the technlogist. Latching on to his armour, Krul began to tear and claw at whatever he could reach. The frost had also began to creep up the technologists armour as he tried to flee in vain, but he gave up and instead faced the undead clawing at him.

Knowing he didn't have the prized Atlas Pauldron in his possession and no teammates were around him along with the enemies closing in, he knew he had no chance of escape.

"For Julia!", he yelled, his vengeful aura intensifying the atmosphere around them. He slammed his Gauntlet arm into Kruls grey belly and made a solid dull thud three times, but the frost creeped up onto his Gauntlet arm too and made his feet as heavy as lead.

Rooted to the ground, the technologist stared in horror at the corpse who managed to rip off the chestplate that generated the Vanguard shield off him, exposing his chest.

"You... what is your name?", Krul asked while forcing open his armour, revealing a simple black shirt and the sound of a rapidly pounding heart.

He tried to struggle, but realised there was no escape.
"Ardan", he replied, still struggling aimlessly.

Laughing manically and breathing heavily, Krul dislodged Hellrazor from the armour and raised it high above Ardan's body. As he brought it down, he saw a fleeting vision of two children standing beside him in horror as their mother was stabbed by the Stormguard Captain and the Stormguard Army chasing after their trail on that night.

Ardan let out a yell before the sword impaled him, forcing him to collapse on the ground in a heap, the blood darkening his faded red armour. Kruls hands were dripping and the bloodlust caused him to further search and slay any neutral or enemy being in sight.


Moral of the story - Buy Atlas Pauldron, have scout traps and vision, and make sure your teammates are near you to prevent this undead monstrosity from killing you in less than 30 seconds!

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