Violent Cross

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Taka removed his cardboard box and hid silently in the bush, observing the scenery around him. In front of him, a large amphibian-looking beast was roaring and swiping at the remaining enemy combatant: a woman wearing a brown fighter pilot uniform and a mechanised suit equipped with machine guns and missiles. A red bar had materialised itself with the word "Capturing..." over the beasts head and seemed to be filling just past half as time passed by. She had been strafing consistently and her mech began to show signs of wear and sparks because the beasts swipes managed to just graze her.

"Danger close!", she yelled aloud.

Twenty or so missiles flew into the air and time seemed to slow down. The beast momentarily was distracted and gazed up. A barrage of explosions immediately ensued, enraging the beast ever further while simultaneously filling up the bar to three quarters of the way.

"Too close for missiles, I'm switching to guns."

The woman managed to gain some distance and pushed two buttons on her mechs joysticks. The Capture bar had filled up to nearly full while bullets pierced and buried themselves into the beasts thick skin. Infuriated, it took a swipe at the woman and missed as she danced around peppering it with more shots.

"I wonder if I could capture it?", Taka thought.

Taka's hands were glowing purple, knives flaming red. The Capture bar was two more hits away from full and Taka had heard of a legendary "Ace" reward if the beast was captured. Out of nowhere, six green arrows pointing down had manifested above the beast along with one purple question mark on his location.

"Alright alright, you nag like my mom... sheesh.", Taka muttered.

Taka leapt out of the bush and crossed his blades together inward. The woman immediately noticed his presence, drank from a flask which gave her a regenerative glow, shifted her position and slammed her palm on the red button on the joystick. Taka smirked and slashed outwards in a cross pattern while the sound of flesh being ripped open followed his descent to the ground.

"Your team has unleashed the Kraken!", proclaimed a disembodied voice which echoed through the Fold.

A series of red swirls appeared above Taka's head and suddenly he felt energised. The Kraken now marched slowly toward the other base. Meanwhile, the woman, launched a salvo of missiles again, except this time at Taka.

"Kemuridama!", yelled Taka while covering himself in a cardboard box.

He exited the smoke while the woman, known as Skye, blindfired bullets into it. Taka positioned himself behind the woman and took off his box with a grin. "Hehehe.... behind you....", he taunted as he leapt up and curled into a ball.

Positioning his blade downward, Taka rolled in midair and aimed for the missile and ammunition bay. He slashed at them but also managed to nick Skye's shoulder. Tri burst after tri burst, she could not hit him. Taka landed, turned around and did a three sixty degree spinning slash which scored clean into Skye's brown uniform and crimson blood spilled. He fled the scene in a box toward the enemy base just as he heard her mech explode and the disembodied voice say "You are a nightmare!".

"This is just like Déja Vu....", said Taka, massaging his forehead as he winced from another migraine.

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