"Listen I--"

That's when Dean interrupted him by standing up and starting to walk away.

Roman was a bit taken back at how rude his best friend was being.

He reached out for Dean's shoulder and when he made contact with him the younger man shoved him making him stumble backwards a little bit.

"Keep your hands off and leave me the hell alone." Dean said turning back around to walk away but Roman definitely wasn't going to take that.

"Oh no." Alex and Seth said at the same time. They both knew what was coming.

Back in the shield days this is how Roman and Dean's fight would always start.

Roman pushed Dean with all of his power and Dean fell hard on the floor but not before hitting some chairs in the process.

Dean stared up at Roman with a shocked but hurt expression.

"Shouldn't someone break this up before it gets chaotic?" Alex questioned

"It already is chaotic and I personally think they need to get their anger out." Seth said.

"I agree with Rollins mostly because I don't wanna get up." Randy said.

"You guys are ridiculous." Alex mumbled as she got up from her chair.

She stepped in front of Roman which made him look down at her. Most of his anger disappeared.

"Calm down." Alex pretty much pleaded as she placed her hand on his chest pushing him back lightly.

Superstars finally began trying to help but it already took them long enough.

When Alex turned around to see if Dean was okay she ended up only seeing the back of his head as he walked out of catering.

Alex sighed as Roman calmed down.

"What's going on with you two?" Alex asked when the superstars who were helping backed off and went back to what they were doing.

"He's being a dick." Roman grunted before walking away.

Alex forgot that her and Roman weren't on the best terms.

Alex went back to the table where Seth and Randy were.

"You handled that well." Randy pointed out.

Seth nodded in agreement.

"I thought they were going to kill each other right there and then." The two toned man admitted.

"You know even when we were the Shield I'm not sure if I've seen Roman that angry with Dean." Alex said.

"I have but that was that was before you joined. Trust me it was not pretty. Worst argument ever." Seth said looking at something in the distance as he talked.

"Well what happened?" Alex and Randy questioned at the same time.

Seth seemed to tense up a bit when they asked.

"Um... I don't remember really." Seth said.

It was obvious to the viper and divas champion that Seth was lying.


Seth cut her off.

"I got to go see you later Alex."

She had a confused expression on her face as she watch her friend scurry out of there.

"Weird." Randy commented.

"I know." Alex agreed.

*After Raw*

Dean was in the parking lot of the arena lighting up a cigarette when the blond interviewer walked up to him.

"Hey Deano." Renee said looking peppy.

She could clearly see Dean wasn't in the mood to talk but she ignored that and he ignored her.

"Um Dean I'm talking to you." She said with giggle.

She tried touching Dean's arm but stopped when she saw Dean's face expression.

"Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? What kind of dumb  question is that?"

Renee was dumbfounded.

"Sweetheart I have to admit that you have some amazing qualities but then again you also have terrible ones."

"You are a cold hearted jealous bitch." Dean spat out like venom.

Renee went to slap him but he caught her wrist. His reflexes today were on point.

"I guess you thought I wouldn't figure out that you lied to me and made me attack Ziggler for no reason."

His grip was starting to hurt.


"I want you to stay out my life for good."

"Your hurting me." Renee whimpered but Dean continued.

"Stay out of my relationships and stay away from me." Dean warned before letting her go.

She looked at Dean once more before leaving the parking lot quickly.

If felt like some stress was lifted off his shoulders after saying that.

Dean still wasn't sure if he wanted to make up with Roman or Alex but what he was sure of was that he wanted to go back to the hotel and get a good night sleep......for once anyway.

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