Henry's face was beginning to glow blue as he continued on his rant, "You can feel the same power that they gave me! You can be even more powerful than you are already!" Lily took a deep breathe and asked him one last question, "Who are they?" she asked as he stood close enough for her to know he was burning. Henry stepped back and smirked at her, "Why W.A.S.P. of course." His hands began rippling with a blue glow. Lily looked up at him as he moved closer to her, she was suddenly filled with fear as she realized how unstable he was.

       Grant opened the interrogation room door with his gun up, he shot Atkins in the shoulder. It didn't even seem to faze him he just looked over and shot a flaming fireball at him. Grant rolled, dodging the flames, but wincing from his earlier wounds. Henry turned back to Lily, and grabbed her arm. She screamed in pain, his hand was burning her arm, Henry released quickly, he wasn't sure what was happening. He looked at her, his eyes were wide and smoke began coming from his cheeks. Ward was back in the doorway and had his hand on a button he looked at Lily and shouted, "Hold on to something!" Henry was too slow to react as the roof of the interrogation room split open. Lily jumped away from Henry and grabbed the table. Henry was swept upwards through the opening in the room. Once he was out of the plane there was a giant explosion in the air that rocked the plane, he had exploded.

       Lily let out a small scream as the plane shook, but soon Grant was at her side and the opening in the interrogation room was closed. Her eyes were shut when she felt his hand on her shoulder, shaking her. She opened her eyes and he was crouched beside her. He helped her stand up, when he saw her burn. He grabbed her wrist and examined her injury, she pulled away but then re-extended her arm towards him as Coulson and May ran in. "Lily are you okay?" May walked over to her shoving Ward to the side and studying her student. Lily nodded as she let out a shaky breathe. The four walked out of the interrogation room and were met by Skye and Jemma rushing towards them. "Are you guys alright?" Skye asked solely staring at Ward. May and Coulson continued onwards and left the four youngsters alone.

        Skye began talking with Ward as Jemma took Lily to the lab on the lower level where the hatch to the plane was. Lily walked in and Fitz was standing at a table fiddling with some of his gadgets. He looked up and smiled, mildly concerned. When they walked into the lab, Jemma gathered some of things: gauze, rubbing alcohol and ointment, then she sat Lily on a chair and got to work.

        Ward and Skye stood in the hallway as they watched Jemma and Lily leave. Skye turned to Ward and blocked his way so that he couldn't leave and avoid her questions. Lily had told her to ask him her questions, not to ask her, so that was what she was going to do. Ward immediately noticed what Skye was doing and had a feeling about what she was going to say next, so he stopped her before she had a chance. "Don't even try asking, it's none of your business Skye" Ward said trying to push past her. But Skye grabbed his arm and shoved him back, "Don't you think I have a right to know what's going on between you two? For all I know she could be some blackmailer who's threatening you and making you give up SHEILD secrets" she said trying to sound convincing. Ward wasn't impressed, and he gave her look that told her to stop.

       However, Skye wasn't one to listen to Ward, "Please don't you think I should know at least a little about her?" she begged. Grant scratched his forehead thinking about what parts were more personal. He shook his head, knowing that Skye would just pry more and he didn't want that, so he walked past her brushing away her hand when she tried to grab his shoulder. That act just made Skye more curious, now she was ready to take desperate measures to get information, she was going to hack her way out of this pit of unknowingness.

Ward stopped as he turned the corner, he knew that Skye wouldn't just leave it alone, and he was expecting her to find out, he wanted her to. Grant knew that there was no way that he could tell her about his and Lily's past, but he could except if the Internet did. Grant continued walking towards the lab and from Skye who was beginning to follow him. Soon May had joined Ward as they all walked down to the lab to check on Lily, each with their own agenda. As they walked through the doorway Lily was exiting through another door with Coulson. Jemma and Fitz noticed the three hovering in the doorway, "Wow I didn't think she had that much of a following" Fitz said with a laugh, but when May shot him a look he quieted.

Lily looked behind her as she saw May, Skye and Grant walk into the lab as she left. Coulson started walking at a quick pace until they met a long spiral staircase. He motioned for her to go up first and he followed behind. Lily then noticed that they were back in the seating area of the plane but on the other side of where they had been before. To her left and right were small rooms and in the centre of the room was a table with two chairs and a photograph. Lily recognized the photo immediately, it was the picture of her and Grant that she kept in her house, her favourite picture. But how did he get it, it's not like he had willed it there magically. Coulson took the photo off the table and sat down. "We have your stuff, some other agents gathered it before you woke up, and we put it on the plane, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Now, before we move onto your questions, I'd like to ask you about what went on in that interrogation" he said in a serious tone. Lily nodded then sat on the chair next to Coulson.

"Well what do you want to know?" she responded crossing her legs on the chair

"Had you ever seen or heard of Mr. Atkins before?" he questioned, but she shook her head, knowing that she had never even met a British citizen before.

"We believe now that the W.A.S.P thing Atkins was talking about were the ones who tried to take you earlier today" Coulson said with a troubled grin.

"Well at least they're not so mysterious" she answered with a forced smile.

"We want to find them and take them down, you saw what they did. Imagine what they could do with advanced technology, or stronger enhanced people" Coulson said looking her dead in the eyes with a firm expression.

Lily nodded but then spoke, "Coulson, the way Atkins was talking about it I think W.A.S.P. is creating enhanced people" she informed.

Coulson looked at her with unfocused eyes, he was thinking. "I will get Fitz and Simmons on that, we'll find out just what W.A.S.P. is. But for now my priority is to get you settled in." Coulson said with a warm smile.

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