[9] Training Begins

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Lily and May stood in the lab for a brief moment until May grabbed her wrist and they walked out of the lab leaving the glass room behind. They went in the same direction as the others had left. But as they passed by the row of computers Lily noticed a stairwell that led down to another level. "What's down there?" she asked, May turned to see where Lily was pointing , "The barracks" May answered plainly. Lily took one last look at the stairwell wondering if she would ever get to live down there with the others, and really be apart of the team as Coulson had said.

Lily followed closely behind May since she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings when Grant and May brought her to the lab. May walked at a brisk pace and Lily had to quicken her pace to keep up with her new S.O. They continued down the hall for a while until they passed the door where Lily had been interrogated and made a sharp left, the hall widened until it ended at a large doorway. There were two glass doors that were framed with black and on each door was a white symbol of a eagle with writing wrapped around it which read, 'Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division'. May pushed open one of the doors and motioned for Lily to enter. She walked in and the inside of the room was filled with athletic equipment. To her right were punching bags hanging from the ceiling, and behind that were a rack of weights. To her left was a long horizontal glass window and a door at the end of it, that led into a shooting range. Finally at the centre of the room was a large square mat and behind that was a wooden door that led into another room.

      May stepped around Lily as she examined the room and walked over to the square mat. Before she stepped on May removed her shoes. "This is how we start your training" May announced folding her arms, waiting for Lily to join her on the mat. Lily took off her shoes and stepped up onto the mat. "In order to be an agent first thing you have to know is how to fight, have you ever fought anyone before?" May asks, Lily thinks back, "Once, but I lost badly." 'To Christian' she thought to herself and felt her neck shiver. May seemed to think about what to do next, "I want to work on movement, shadow me" she saids as she began to quickly side shuffle around the mats with her hands up.

Her training continued for about two hours, all movement and footwork, shuffling around the mat, dodging punches, and shadow boxing with Agent May. By the time her first day of training surpassed two hours Lily was dripping with sweat, she had not been prepared for an ultimate workout. May could see how tired her student was and decided to end the session there; they would start a proper routine in time. "I think we should stop for today," May said as Lily weakly punched into the air at her shadowy opponent. Lily stopped immediately and wiped the sweat from her face. May walked over to the wooden door that was behind the mat, twisted the knob and pushed the door inwards. In the room were rows of lockers with benches in between the rows, shelves with towels and a small mini fridge. May walked over to the shelf and fridge and grabbed two towels off the shelf and two bottles of water from the fridge. She then sat on one of the benches.

May tapped her hand on the wooden bench, wanting Lily to sit down next to her. She sat down and took the water and towel from May's hand, her chest heaving and her throat dry as a bone. Lily glanced over at May as she drank her water. The two sat on the bench in silence until May stood and turned to Lily. "You did well today, you're promising but nowhere near where I want you. We start tomorrow at seven o'clock, but once we get into a routine we'll start at six" when May said 'six' Lily nearly choked on her water. May took no time to elaborate, she walked to the wood door and stood in the doorway, waiting for Lily. "I have some rules if I'm going to be your S.O." May paused as Lily placed the towel on the bench and walked over to May. "You listen to me and do what I say, you push yourself, and most importantly you commit. I won't put any effort in if you don't" May said jabbing her finger at Lily's collarbone. Lily nodded agreeing to May's terms, she thought her rules sounded fair. May then turned back to Lily, "Also, you're a special kind of student, you're gifted and I'm going to do my best to try to incorporate your powers into your training. So that you can find the true extent of your powers."

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