part 2

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Part 2

I walked to the lounge knowing that the guys are going to be in a shock when they meet their real Alpha. Our lounge is just a place we hanging out to watch movies and play video games. It's fun as hell since I have all the high scores in them and the boys always try and beat them but I have my ways in keeping my scores th highest.

The guys left the door to the lounge open and I peeked in to see if everybody was there. They didn't evn know I was there so it was a perfect time to go ninja on their butts.

"So Alex, how do your sisters look like? We didn't see them when we came in."

"They were with my dad since he wanted to spend time with his two favorite kids. Shocked the shit out of us when he said that!"

The guys chuckled and I had to bite my tongue so I won't blow my cover.

"That didn't answer my question."

"There is no way in hell that you are going to try and sleep with both my sisters, Chase!"

"Dude, come on. Why would they want to sleep with Chase? He's too much of a douche for them to want to sleep with him." A guy with shaggy dark hair said. One point for him.

"Seth, what the hell man! You don't even know them yet and you think you might have a chance with one of them?"

"No I'm just saying that they must have better taste than that to actually want to sleep with you. Plus they are going to be in the pack. Don't you think that they will want to sleep with their own pack members?" Another point for Seth. Dude's on a roll. I would never want to sleep with one of my pack. I would only see them as friends or brothers in some way.

"That hurts you know. You just shot down my ego by a notch or something." Chase mumbled, faking hurt. That caused the guys to laugh again.

"Okay. You guys really want to know about our sisters?" Cole asked. The guys just nodded in agreement with a little too much excitement. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Be looks just like me. Same dark brown hair and light brown eyes but hers are a little lighter than mine and Danny looks a lot like Alex. Brown hairs and eyes that are just a shade more darker than his. Be is the cheerleader in both of them but is not like any of those sluts we sleep with. She's also the emotional one," Ha! Be is going to go wolf on him if she hears that," that always worries too much especially on Danny. Danny is the complete opposite of her since she act like the tomboy and stuff but she is one social wolf. She's also has that tough girl look that makes people scared of her but if you get on her good side she can be one awesome friend. Though get on her bad side, she can make your life hell."

That's my cue to talk and scared these boys shit-less.

"So true! So basically you guys want to get on my good side if I were you." Once I spoke everybody jumped at the sound of my voice and I think I heard someone scream. I could not have hold my laughter in. It was just too funny not to laugh at.

"Shit! Danny, you scared us shit-less! How the hell could we have not heard you come in?" Alex spoke for everybody also trying to slow down his heart rate. I was taking some deep breaths to calm myself down.

"One, you guys should have seen your faces! I also heard one of you scream. To answer your question dear Alex, I went ninja on you since I'm that awesome not be heard. So which one of screamed?" I looked around the room to see none other than Cole looking away and blushing slightly. That caused me to laugh again.

"Ha ha! Cole was the one who screamed!" The guys all roared with laughter at that. it only caused Cole to blush even more out of embarrassment. Controlling my laughter once again, I wiped away the tears that came from all the laughter and spoke again.

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