Murasakibara Atsushi (Unexpected)

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This is my first story ^^ so sorry if it's not good =}

It's been a while since you haven't been in Japan, you forgot mostly everything, so you decided to go and recreat your memories.

That was the first time you were traveling alone. All other times your brother Tatsuya was with you. You missed him much and decided to go to a school in Japan so you could be near him as much as possible. You and Tatsuya choosed Yosen high because he goes there too and it would be easier to get used to Japanse school too.

It was the day when you first went to high school in Japan. You were already a second year student which made things a little bit harder cuz the class you were going to go already knew each other.

When you and Tatsuya separated, you got lost and fortunately found your homeroom teacher and she showed you the way to the classroom and told you to stay behind the door and enter when she'd say. Of course you nodded and did how she said.

The bell rang.

"Good morning class! Take your seats! Today we have a newbie. She is from U.S. but fluently speaks Japanse. Please be careful with her! Himuro come in!"

As you hear your surname you rush to the door but suddenly some tall, purple haired boy with a lot of snacks with him pushed you and entered the room instead of you.
('What an unpleasant person!' You thought and the first expression of the class was a little bit 'ruined'.)
Everyone started laughing, but then you entered and the room got silence.
"Hi! I'm (Y/N) Himuro. I came from U.S. but I'm from Japan literally. Hope we'll be good friends. I am looking forward to be in this class!" You said nervously and took your seat.

After the class Tatsuya came to visit you and make sure you're all right. He also introduced you to the tall guy who came out to be better than you thought. After introduction the bad impression vanished.

A meanwhile later (we can say)

Soon you became the manager of the basketball club in Yosen and made more friends than expected.

Also Atsushi: the tall guy from before started to interest you and you spent some of your time with him.

Day by day you started to like Atsushi more and more and one day you realized, you fell for him!

Started from annoyment and now it's love. That's hilarious...How deceiving fate can be!

A meanwhile later (N°2)

It's been alsomt a week or two that you realized you love him.

You couldn't understand why? Why you love him? He's not the prince of your dreams! He's not better than others! He's not the type of a person you like! But still you can't fight that feeling, the feeling which is named Love!

Finally you listened to the will of your heart and decided to confess your true feels, but you didn't know how. Also as you hadn't had any secret from Tatsuya you said him everything, he agreed without any hesitation. That was a little bit strange. His smirk was even stranger.

The next day Yosen had a long practice. The players were as awesome as ever ^^. .. "Hey Atsuhsi!" You asked shyly after the practice. "Hmm..... Muro-chin? What happened?" "Uh-um.. Atsushi where're you going?" You're even more shy now >\\< "I'm out of'll go to the convenience store." "Can I come too?" "~mmmm~ I don't mind" "Okay then!" You two started to walk to the convenience store. In your way you talked nothing. You were thinking of how to say him these words.

A few minutes later it was already dark outside and when you were about to enter the convenience store you dragged him to a small, dark corner and shouted "I LOVE YOU ATSUSHI!" and kissed him from embarrassment. ^°^ That was a fast and soft kiss but you enjoyed the moment. After the kiss you gazed at Atsushi just for a moment then changed your gaze because your whole face was red like a tomato. "L-let's g-go already, Atsushi!"   You started to walk but he embraced you from back. You were shocked. That was so unexpected. You didn't know what to do and then ..... "You know Muro-chin.... I Love you too!" You turned back to see if he's lying, cuz when he lies he never looks straight to the person(idk if it's really like this, just wrote it so the story'll be a little bit more exciting:), but he looked right to your eyes. You were shocked even more. Then he suddenly kissed you. You wasn't ready for this. He looked hot! Hotter than you ever thought he is! And you kissed him back. But then he ended the kiss hugged you as tight that it hurt, but you enjoyed it too, and then he said "I won't change you even for 100 maiubos". Then he kissed you again and this time it was a long and passionate kiss and even though your eyes were closed you still could feel him blush.
Since then you started to date. ^^

The end

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it :)

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