Dinner Fight

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The following day, Sofia came home. She walked to the table and sat down- as everyone began to come as well. "I saw a deer dad, but he bolted." She says, looking at her father, Henry.

"Let me guess, to much of a wimp to shoot it?" Vanis inquires, mockingly, with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't be a jerk, Vanis." Their father says, slapping his arm- not overly hardly.

"Ow, that hurt." Vanis, cried out, holding his arm; being way over dramatic.

Sofia stormed up from her seat, "it's like you love me one day. Then you hate my guts. You're such a inconsiderate jerk face." She says, storming to her bedroom upstairs like a angry death night after a feast of only meat.

She slammed her door shut, with so much force it shook her room. She then groaned and flopped onto her bed. "Why must everyone be so confusing?" She questions, out-loud, tugging at her blonde hair.

Vanis sighed, and went to Sofia's door. He then lightly knocked on it, "Sofie, please, I'm sorry." He says, using her nickname he gave her when they were little kids.

"I don't want to hear it, I'm sick and tired of you loving me then hating me." She says, confusion laced in her voice.

"I just, I agh. I'm jealous of how dad treats you, and I can't seem to keep my sarcasm down." He mumbles, resting his weight against her bedroom door.

"So sometimes you're happy with me then jealous?" She questions, stil not understanding his point.

Sighing, Vanis began to speak again, "I'm thankful of the stuff you do. I just get jealous of how much dad praises you.

"Oh, I see." She mumbles, and opens her door then is attacked with a hug from her brother.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles into her hair then pulls back slowly from their hug.

"It's fine, Van. I understand." She says, smiling softly. She couldn't really stay mad for a long period of time.

So new update. It's really short, I know. I'm going to try and work on this book more, and add more detail. My writing has gotten better from when I wrote this maybe three or four years ago... So, anyways. Have a wonderful day, loves! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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