"Aleks. Don't do i-" I was cut off by my mom.

"What are you guys doing?!" My mom screamed.

I flinched at her outburst. Brandon turned around to face my mom, while Aleks backed up, wrapping an arm around me. My mom walked up to Brandon and slapped his cheek. A gasp came out of my mouth and I quickly covered it. Aleks had his fist in his mouth and looked away.

"What are you doing here? Get out and be nice to your sister's friend!" My mom said, pointing out the door for Brandon to leave.

"But why? I live here!" Brandon whinned. I heard Aleks chuckled behind me. Brandon gave him a glare.

"I kicked you out not too long ago. You're 24 years old. Get your ass out of this house and leave us alone," my mom stated.

My eyes widened at her tone. Brandon sighed, taking his things to the door. Before he left, Brandon turned back towards Aleks.

"You watch it, Marchant. Soon, it's time for our brawl in the ring," he pointed.

"Just get out," Aleks bravely spoke.

Brandon groaned, walking out the door. Relief was washed threw my body. I was glad Aleks was alright, but I'm worried about my mother.

"This guy. I don't get what's wrong with him. I'm sorry Aleks. He shouldn't treat you like this," my mom said. Aleks looked at me, wondering if she knew.

"Mom. We gotta tell you something."

Minutes has past. Aleks and I told my mom about Brandon fighting Aleks. We speficially told my mom why Aleks is fighting Brandon and my mother sighed. She looked away, probably remembering something in the past. Her waterline was filled with water.

"I wish Brandon didn't have a bad influence," my mom whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, sitting next to my mom.

"Your father. He was a fighter aswell," my mom told.

That was right. He was a fighter, just like Aleks. How could I forget about that?

"Do you remember what his name was? I don't think he used Johnsail," Aleks questioned.

"He used his mother's last name, Monae."

Aleks' eyes lid up.

"He was Harold Monae? The Blaze-Away?" Aleks said. My mom smiled, nodding her head.

"That's him. Always smoking weed before a match," my mom smiled.

"Why was dad a bad influence on Brandon?" I questioned.

"When Brandon was born, your father retired from fighting. Brandon was a rowdy kid, so your dad abused him for Brandon to change. Then Brandon got into fighting, and wanted to fight his dad since he found out about his past. It didn't end so good. Your brother threw a flower pot on you dad's head which killed him. Brandon got crazy so he's been doing some bad stuff which I can't explain. You were sent to the hospital because 'you were in the way of things'. I couldn't take care of him, but he changed in his teen years. But I guess it change back when he met Aleks," my mom explained.

"Brandon hit Haley?" Aleks asked, in shock. I didn't know how to reply because it was news to me.

"Yep. If you move her bangs, there's a scar just below her hair line,"my mom showed Aleks. Aleks examined the mark.

"You told me I fell on glass," I told my mom.

"I didn't want you to have a hatred on your brother," my mother spoke.

Soon my mother left Aleks and I alone in the living room. That was the true story of my brother and father. Thoughts were swarming around my brain. Did I blank out on what happened to my forehead? I knew I had the scar but didnt know reason for it. Aleks started me by reaching for my hand.

"You don't have to worry about anything Haley. I'm here to help you," Aleks spoke in a calm voice.
"Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it baby?" Aleks focused on me. I fumbled with my fingers.

"Can you not fight Brandon?" I stuttered. Aleks' jaw was clenched.

"Why should I? This is a benefit for the both of us!" Aleks told.

"Even if Brandon changes after the fight, i don't wanna see him dead! I don't want you to hurt him."

"Haley. You do know that Brandon will stay out of trouble and out of our way. This fight is important for the both of us," Aleks spoke.

"What happens when he beats you? What if he doesn't change? What if-" Aleks cuts me off.

"Don't you trust me?" Aleks angrily said, but quietly.

"I do! I just don't feel comfortable with you fighting my brother!" I repeated.

"You know what? Be on his side. Help the person out who almost kill you years ago," Aleks yelled, going out the door.

My heart was in my throat. What just happened? Was this our first fight? I sat back down on the sofa. Tears running down my cheeks.

"I love you," I whispered.
A/N- Thank you for 1k reads and 100 votes on Tough Guy :)

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