Twenty Five.

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Usually on Sundays, Demi was able to sleep in. It was the one day during the entire week that she actually got to sleep past six o'clock and she usually took complete advantage of it, especially with Wilmer sleeping over. Dorinda had Sunday's off so before the twins could come bolting into Demi's room, jumping on her bed and waking her up, Wilmer made them breakfast and watched morning cartoons with them until Demi was ready to wake up. It was one of the many little routines that they had developed in their time together.

But this Sunday, Demi wasn't able to sleep in. At exactly 7:42, her new sterling silver iPhone with Devonne engraved at the bottom had rang - courtesy of the CEO of Apple himself - and she had been called into the office because some woman was there who claimed to be her grandmother. When explaining it to Wilmer as she got dressed, he had been surprised to learn that this was something that happened quite often. Maybe he was so surprised because he didn't realize how much of the world wanted a piece of Demi. She was a celebrity in her own right and people did crazy things to try to get close to her, this being one of them. With a kiss on the lips she assured him that she should be back in an hour and would bring lunch home with her.

It was actually a nice day outside and Demi could appreciate that as Max drove her to the Devonne headquarters, her head resting against the window as thought about how much she would rather be home, tucked into bed with Wilmer instead of heading to work right now. It was crazy because six months ago she wouldn't have complained about having to go to work on a Sunday, in fact she would've been overjoyed because then she wouldn't have to deal with Nick, but now she just wanted to be at home. The change in herself was alarming because work and her kids always came first but now Isabella and Wilmer were thrown into the mix and her priorities were a little off.

"We're here, Demi," Max said, looking into the rearview mirror at his boss whose perfect eyebrows were sewn into a line.

"Thanks Max. I shouldn't be long," she said before she opened the door and strutted into her office. She combed her fingers through her bone straight hair as she headed towards the elevators and jammed the button a million times until the door finally opened. She pressed the button for the top floor and tapped her foot until they arrived. Barely looking up from her phone, she made her way to Marissa's office, only putting her phone away when she arrived and noticed that the only person in the room was Marissa.

"Where is she?" Demi questioned as Marissa's eyes widened and she used her thumb to point towards Demi's closed doors.

"You let her in my office alone?" Demi nearly screamed as Marissa opened her mouth to speak but Demi cut her off with her hand, pushing the doors to her office open and gasping as she saw the aged old woman sitting in her leather chair imported straight from Italy as if she owned the place.


"Well if it isn't my whore of a granddaughter."

Demi said that she would be back in an hour tops, and usually she was really good with the time stuff, but it had been an hour and a half and she still wasn't back. She wasn't even answering his calls or his texts and he was getting a little worried. What if the person claiming to be her grandmother was just a total creep? What if it was a stalker? Who was there to protect her?

He knew he wasn't supposed to be meddling into "her world" but this was her safety that was at risk, and from the messages that she had been getting online for the past two weeks, Wilmer had a right to worry and a right to meddle, which is why he finally caved in and called Marissa.

"Hey, is Demi still there?" He didn't even wait for her greeting. He just needed answers.

"Yeah, she's here. Turns out the woman claiming to be her grandmother is her actual grandmother and they've been in there for a while. I can't hear anything because her office is sound proof though," Marissa explained as she looked towards Demi's closed doors.

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