Twenty Two.

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After Wilmer telling Demi that they should take things slow, that was exactly what they did. It was just like when they were shooting the documentary, before they slept with each other and everything got all messed up. They were balancing on that thin line between being in a relationship and just being best friends. They were there for each other when needed, and her kids were really warming up to him while Isabella was warming up to Demi even more (if that was possible). It was just the two of them building up a foundation for their relationship because neither of them wanted to fail after everything that had happened in the past.

One thing that Wilmer had learned about Demi was that when she got really busy, she usually forgot to eat. He understood why but what he didn't understand was why Marissa didn't snap her out of her working daze and make her eat something. But since Marissa didn't, Wilmer made it his mission to bring her lunch every day. Even though it was only the beginning of summer, she was halfway finished with her fall line and already gathering ideas for her winter line. He was trying to learn the ins and out of what she did but sometimes it just didn't make sense to him.

"Hi Wilmer!" Once Marissa figured out that he wasn't the least bit interested in her, she backed down a little bit. Thank God. Demi probably would've fired her if she found out that her assistant was trying to make the moves on him.

"Hey, is she in there?"

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Marissa asked, one of her eyebrows raising towards her hairline in a way that mocked Demi. No one did it like Demi though.

"Heard what?"

"One of the twins accidentally had peanuts at daycare. I'm pretty sure it was Nicholas. They had his Epipen but he had an asthma attack and I think he's unconscious right now. Demi's been gone for like an hour," Marissa explained as Wilmer's eyes widened. How did he accidentally have peanuts when the people at the daycare should've known that he was allergic to them? Demi must've been freaking out and the only thing that he could think about was being there for her.

"You should head down there. She'll act like she doesn't want you there but trust me, she does. Tell her I've got the rest of her day taken care of and she doesn't even need to come in tomorrow," Marissa said as Wilmer nodded before walking out of the office and catching the first cab that he saw to take him to the hospital.

Demi was furious. Furious wasn't even the word for it. When she saw her son come into the emergency room on a stretcher, all she could see was red. As much as she wanted to drive back to that daycare and raise hell, she knew that her son needed her more. And Nolie had just been hysterical. She was probably traumatized from seeing what had happened, which made Demi even more furious. It was just an awful situation.

Even though she had been at the hospital for the past hour and he had been transferred to the children's ward, not one doctor had told her about his condition. He was on oxygen and he was passed out but no one told her how serious the reaction was or what the long term effects were. It was just pissing her off even more and not only was she in mama bear mode, but she was also in business mode. She was thinking of ways to make that stupid daycare pay for this while also praying for her son's rapid healing.

"Demi!" She turned her head and saw Wilmer jogging towards her with a bag of food. Just from the sight of him she could feel herself calming down and when he wrapped his arms around her she released a deep breath and welcomed his embrace.

"I went to your office to bring you lunch and Marissa told me about what happened. Is he okay? Where's Nolie?"

Seeing his concern for her kids made a smile grace her features as she glanced back into the window in Nicholas's room. "I haven't heard anything from the doctor's yet. Nolie is in there with him sleeping. She was so scared and when they brought him in he was barely breathing. I swear to God I am going to sue that daycare for everything they have. They're not gonna have a business once my lawyers are finished with them. They've been going there since they were one, they know about their peanut allergies!" Demi ranted, subconsciously wiggling out of Wilmer's embrace to resume her pacing.

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