Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah. I better make these bowls dissappear before Sakura sees them." Shikamaru said taking the bowls from the bedside table and putting them in the bag then began walking to the door.

"Watch out for Sakura on your way out." Tamari chuckled.

"Glad to see you still care." Shikamaru replied with one hand in his pocket as he walked away.

Shikamaru walked casually to the hospital exit. Ino told him he'll take a look at Temari today and he didn't want to leave her alone with Ino and her jutsus, but he has a team of troublesome kids he has to train and tend to. He also knew Temari was getting released today, but Sakura didn't tell him when exactly. Shikamaru sighed and soon after heard a haunting sound that could've given him nightmares for days to come.

"Shikamaru!" Sakura roared behind Shikamaru making him cringe.

"What the hell is in your hand?" Sakura exclaimed behind him.

"Dammit." Shikamaru whispered to himself as he stopped dead in his tracks and his face fell.

"Nothing." Shikamaru replied not looking back as he walked away as fast as he could, away from Sakura.

"Get back here Shikamaru!" Sakura yelled behind him as she followed him.

"I actually have somewhere I need to be, I'll talk to you next time" Shikamaru said as he started running away.

"As if! Get back here dammit!" Sakura yelled as she ran after him.

Shikamaru ran around the hospital towards the exit as he turned every corner in the maze of the hospital to try and shake Sakura, but she was resilient and hot on his trail. If he could just make it outside the hospital. He only needed to get outside the hospital. Shikamaru could finally see the light at the end of the hospital tunnel's gray abyss as he made a brake for the exit.

"Lady Sakura!" A nurse gasped as she saw Sakura chasing Shikamaru, she probably had a new patient for Sakura.

Shikamaru felt relieve flood through him as he finally made it through the hospital exit and roamed in the freedom of the daylight. Sakura stopped right in front of the exit, almost like a vampire stopping from entering the sunlight.

"You won't be that lucky next time Shikamaru." Sakura called in a irritated voice to Shikamaru making him shiver slightly in fear.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru scoffed as he threw the bag in his hands away and walked calmly to Naruto's office with his hands in his pockets.

Shikamaru walked to Naruto's office door and knocked on the door before he entered. He opened the door and raised a eyebrow as he closed it behind him. Naruto had a suspiciously goofy smile on his face while Hinata was turning as red as a tomato, even though she wasn't as shy around Naruto as she always was. But behind every smile from Hinata there was still a hint of shyness in her smiles when Naruto was around.

"Should I ask what you two where doing before I entered?" Shikamaru smirked standing in front of Naruto's desk making Hinata blush even more if that was even possible.

"Hinata could see you coming a mile away." Naruto laughed proudly.

"What's up Shikamaru?" Naruto asked cheerfully.

"Have the Huyga's seen anything yet?" Shikamaru asked looking at Hinata.

Naruto placed most of the Huyga's on the border of Konoha so they can detect an army as soon as they stepped in the lines of their excellent vision.

"No, you'll be the first one to know if we do see something." Hinata said facing Shikamaru.

"That's not all you wanted to know, is it?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.

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