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"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along the bitterness and I whould have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life." - How to save a life The Fray

Temari's eyes flickered open slowly as she regained concoisness. Her head was pounding, luckily she decided against groaning becuase if she groaned the man would have noticed she was awake. Thus giving her the upper hand.

She was thrown over the man's shoulder, explaining Temari's headache. She stayed limp over the man's shoulder as she slowly and cautiously lifted both her arms biting the tip of the gloves to remove them. She dropped her gloves along the way, they had no use to her now. She bit her right thump slowly and silently bringing the blood to the tattoo on her left palm.

She pressed her thump on the summoning tattoo grabbing her fan as it appeared and quickly banged it on the man's head giving her the chance to flip over his shoulder landing on a branch behind him, kicking her heels off becuase of the fact that they where not made for fighting. The man stumbled forward laughing eerily.

"What are you laughing at?" Temari asked glaring at the man's back.

"I'm not aloud to laugh?" The man chuckled as he turned around.

"No, you're suppose to be dead." Temari gasped in shock staring at the snake before her with wide eyes.

"Death is simply a illusion my dear." He smiled widely.

"How?" Temari asked softly.

"Like I said before, my death was only an illusion." He chuckled licking his lips with his long tongue.

"I watched Sasuke stab you in the heart." Temari said with a frown when he suddenly disappeared into thin air making Temari scowl and open her fan as she looked around for him.

"He missed." Orochimaru whispered in her ear appearing behind her and before she could react his teeth was already sinking into her neck causing Temari to scream.

After a moment of pure agony Orochimaru withdrew his teeth from her neck giving Temari the chance to swing around using her fan as a club to hit Orochimaru and send him flying. Temari used that chance to make a escape, she knew when to retreat from a battle she cannot win, not in this condition.

"You cannot escape me my dear." Orochimaru chuckled as he watched her dash away holding her neck where he bit her.

Temari ignored him using all her will power to keep moving forward and not give into the pain. She couldn't see Orochimaru behind her but she knew that she hadn't lost him, he was playing with her, testing her.

She knew this was futile but she could at least try to escape, but it begged the question of how far Orochimaru was willing to let her escape. Either way she couldn't get very far becuase she was not even close to the village and she could feel her consciousness slipping away. She desperately tried to get away until she ran straight into Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru!" She gasped in his arms.

"Temari, what's wrong? I heard you scream." Shikamaru asked concerned.

"We have to get out of here." Temari said franticly still clutching the left side of her neck.

"Temari calm down, it's okay, your safe now." Shikamaru said trying to calm her down.

"No Shikamaru, it's not okay and we're not safe, we have to leave now!" Temari pleaded looking Shikamaru in his eyes.

It unnerved Shikamaru to see Temari like this, he had never seen her this frantic and worked up before.

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