Brad imagine for Alaina

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"Don't even dare" you looked up to see your Boyfriend of two years Brad about to chuck a bucket of water on top of you. You decided to go to the beach as it was really sunny and you both had a day off, you had acome with James,Tristan and Connor aswell but they went to get icecream and check out all the other girls in bikini's, Classic boys...

"What would you do if i did?" Brad winked biting his lip

"I wouldn't be very happy" you smirked putting your phone down onto Brads top he previously took off... bad move he poured the w'ter all over you. You got up and ran chasing him, Water dripping from your now soaking wet hair

"You're dead simpson!" You yeling chasing him over to the sea you saw him run into it and you followed him cursing a few times at how cold the water was. Brad was about five meters away and you could see he couldn't touch the ground you swam over to him grabbing onto him placing your legs over his waist and your arms over his shoulders

"Sorry" He chuckled leaning in for a kiss but you turned your head so he kissed your cheek. He pouted hoisting you back onto him as you had slowly slipped off 

"not good enough" You stuck your tounge out and slipped back off him. He gave you a sad face and moved further away he followed grabbing you back sliding your legs back around his face . He leaned again and kissed you, you kissed back for a couple of seconds before pushing his head under the water and laughing waiting for him to come back up, he enventally did, his hair dripping down his face and a pout on his lips

"You deserved that" You laughed giving him a passionate kiss but being interupted by the boys returning splashing you both which leaded into a huge water fight :)

This was actually quite fun to write aha! Thank you for requesting if it's not what you wanted i can do you another one as i kind of got carried away haha

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