First Kisses

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Tristan: you and Tristan had been friends for as long as you could remember, but you had just started liking him recently. you and him had been alone in the boys hotel room, so it went a little like this. you were sat on the bed, when Trist came over and began to tickle you, knowing all of your weak spots. he stopped for a second, on top of you with your arms pinned to your sides, and he was smiling wildly. that was when in happened. you picked up your head and kissed him in the kiss you had been yearning to beg him for, and pulled away to see his shocked face. just as you were about to apologize, he bent down and kissed you back.

Brad: your parents were new work partners of his, and you were over for a family thing. your parents seemed to be oblivious to the fact you and brad had been flirting the whole time. however, brad's mother screamed when she saw what a mess he had made out of his dress shirt and told him to change. seeing he was quite boiling, you followed him. "are you okay?" you asked. he shrugged, even smiled a bit at you as you both walked into his room. "I just want to get into a tee- shirt. I mean, your parents let you." he said, but you laughed. "what?" he asked. "we could switch shirts?" you half-laughed. he smiled and unbuttoned his, going toward his dresser, but just as he took it off, he walked over to you, and pulling you in by the waist, kissed you more passionately then anyone ever before. when you kissed back you ran your hands through his hair, and broke it with two smiles.

James: you had been dating James already, and tonight would be your third, at the pier in town. he picked you up in his dad's mustang, and all you could think of was how hot he looked with it. when you got there, he opened the door for you and helped you out. taking you hand and walking you down. this is when you saw the camera flash, and you looked at James worried. he only smiled and put his arm protectively around you. at another one you wanted to just close your eyes. "I want to go back home James." you said, getting nervous. he frowned. "just please don't let them bother you, I have a surprise for you." he said. you looked up, where you saw the end of the pier and a expensive looking candle light dinner. you gasped. "James... it's perfect." you said. and in the sunset you reached up and embraced him, both of you knowing what would happen next, you shut your eyes and leaned in to be met by his perfectly soft lips.

Connor: you had met at a party, but around ten you couldn't take the music or dancing anymore, so you decided to leave. as you walked out you felt a strong hand on your wrist and gasped, but turned around to see Connor, bashfully smiling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." he said. you smiled at him and brushed back a piece of you hair. "are you leaving?" he asked. you nodded. he opened the door for you and followed you out, but he was surprised when you just began to walk, he ran and caught up. "do you want a ride?" he asked. you only smiled at the ground. "Connor, I really really like you, so please don't take this the wrong way, but its still never good to get in cars with boys you've only just met." you said. he laughed, getting it, but then took your hand and ran with you into the forest. you didn't fight him at first, but then started to ask where you were going. "you'll see." was all he'd respond. however, you were astounded when you saw what he had brought you to see. atop the hill there was an open space above the line of trees below where you could see the city perfectly. "how did you know about this place?" you asked. he shrugged. "it's my house. I know my woods. this is like... my secret spot." he said, smiling, with his ears a bit red. you looked up at the stars, then back to connor, who was looking at you too. he came over and hugged you, able to feel the goosebumps on your skin, so he wrapped his jacket around you. you reached up and planted a soft peck on his lips, but then kept him close. "thanks." you said smiling. he kissed you just as you had to him. "you're welcome."


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