Even Krislynn figured out who LaCienega was before she reached the spot. She was tossing a volleyball around with Jace and even in the midst of stumbling to hit a low throw, looked gorgeous doing so.

Immediately Krislynn bit her lip in jealousy as she felt the intimidation of being a lot less beautiful than LaCienega. Though whether she was jealous mainly because Chase couldn’t keep his eyes off of her or if it was because of an entirely different reason remained a complete mystery – even to herself.

“Want me to introduce you?” Michelle beamed and without waiting for a reaction, grabbed her hand and led her to where LaCienega and Jace were. “Hey LaCienega, this is Krislynn, Chase’s new girlfriend. And Krislynn, you know who LaCienega is, right?”

Krislynn nodded hesitantly and smiled at the tall, golden skinned goddess before her. She didn’t even need to compare herself – face, skin, hair, eyes, bust, hips, butt, legs – she had nothing on LaCienega. No wonder even a player like Chase was so enticed by a girl like her. LaCienega was like the cream of the crop even within famous actresses and runway models.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said dejectedly and watched curiously as LaCienega gave her a once over.

Jace waltzed over with the volleyball under one arm at that moment and smiled affectionately at her when he walked up. “Hi Krislynn,” he said, and immediately the dark clouds around Krislynn parted and the angels came out to sing. It was like his voice separated the rest of the world from her and no longer did she care about LaCienega’s watchful eyes or Chase in the background for the matter of fact.

Her lips curled into a smile and a deep blush spread across her cheeks like an infectious virus. “Hi Jace,” she breathed, hardly able to speak.

It might have been the odd reaction Krislynn gave him, but suddenly, Jace too blushed, and lowered his eyes shyly. “Hi Krislynn,” he whispered.

“Hi Jace.”

“Hi Kris–”

“Okay!!!” Michelle interrupted and roughly nudged Krislynn on the side to bring her out of her shameless trance. “Moving on! Do you guys want to play a little two on two?” She asked, nodding towards the net set up in the short distance.

“Yeah, that could be fun,” Jace said nervously, slowly realizing what had awkwardly happened.

Krislynn nodded in agreement. “Yeah,” she exclaimed, but before her words led her any further, she stumbled on the mistake of looking into LaCienega’s eyes. Once composed and inquisitive, the curiosity had left her amber freckled eyes and was now replaced with what could only be defined as hatred and utter resentment.

“I don’t mind,” she said softly and then wrapped her arms around Jace’s waist in the most possessive manner possible. “Actually, I would like that.” Jace smiled down at her abrupt affection before leading her over to the other side of the net. Almost to spite her, LaCienega turned around to glare at Krislynn once more before snuggling closer to Jace.

“I don’t think she likes me very much,” she murmured once the couple were out of listening range.

The Replacement GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now