21: Drive A Motorbike Off A Cliff

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Sorry for the long wait 😕 don't worry more trauma is gonna come ur way 😉

Gabe was strapped to an icy-cold, metal table; Gabe was screaming.

Two strange, dark, terrifying creatures with bright red eyes he could only call demons were standing on either side of him, carving into his skin. Blood was all over him, pouring down his arms, legs, and sides, pooling on the table. There was so much red that you couldn't make out any of the grey that was previously the colour of the table.

"STOP IT, STOP IT, PLEASE!" Gabe screamed, tears pouring down his face. He flinched as one of the demons' knives drifted towards his face.

"What a pretty little face ... what a shame." The demon said, a sadistic tone to his voice. Gabe whimpered.

The whimper was soon turned into a scream as the demon slashed, pleads and begs and slices all blurring into one as Gabe spiralled into an abyss of pain - a sharp, blinding white pain burning all over him.

Different words littered his body that had been cut into his skin by the demons - FREAK, FAGGOT, USELESS, WORTHLESS, UGLY, FAT, STUPID, WASTE OF SPACE, DESERVES TO DIE - and the demons were chanting this at him as they finished with his face, now extending the cuts on his arms that he had made by himself, and Gabe was chanting his own chant - "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He believed every word the demons were telling him.

"Gabe, it's okay." A voice echoed from around him, and to Gabe, it sounded like an angel. He turned his blood and tear stained face from left to right, trying to see where this mysterious heavenly voice was coming from.

There! Over in the corner of the dark, cave-like room was Sam, his Samsquatch, standing half-hidden in the shadows, smiling reassuringly at him.

"Sammy?" Gabe said in disbelief, confused. The demons slashed down his wrist dangerously close to that vein - Gabe panicked, struggled in his restraints. "Sam! Help me!"

He had the sudden strange sensation of being hugged or cuddled or something - like arms were around him. For a second, he was comforted - then suddenly Sam was there, kicking the demons' asses, doing some bomb-ass karate shit right there, Gabe thought, smirking despite himself, then wincing because his face hurt.

Sam was now above him, undoing the ropes around Gabe's wrists and ankles, grabbing the small boy and carrying him hurriedly out of the room and nearly sprinting down a tunnel. Gabe was on the verge of passing out, he was losing so much blood and was in so much pain.

Suddenly, the sensation of arms around him vanished, and Sam was no longer there. He was lying, alone, in the dark tunnel, Gabe's claustrophobia creeping up on him, and he could hear the demons' taunting laughter getting closer and closer.

Then he was back in the torture chamber, back in Hell, as Gabe referred to it, and the demons were lingering above him, sadistic, psychotic smirks on their faces.

"P-please don't hurt me..." Gabe stammered in pure terror, his hands shaking in the restraints, knowing that his pleads were in vain.

As the demons lifted their knives once more, Gabe knew that more eternal torture was to come, the same old thing over and over again. And he knew that even though there was that brief moment of bliss every once in a while where someone was holding him and he was happy, the rest of the time was nothing but pain and fear for him, and he knew that he couldn't take it any more. He wanted to die. He didn't want to be alive anymore.

"Kill me! Please, kill me!" Gabe begged, and one of the demons happily obliged, bringing his knife down with a swift swing -

Gabe shot up, everything blurring together, fear the only thing he knew. Someone's arms fell off him, and he leapt off of the thing he was lying on - he assumed it was a bed or something - and dashed towards what he thought was a bathroom. He skidded in, slamming the door shut and locking it. He whipped open the cupboard, fumbling for a razor and a small bottle of pills. He slashed at his wrist, over and over again, his vision blurred, pain blazing over his arms, and he only stopped to pop open the bottle and tip the entire thing into his hand. He tilted his head back and lifted his hand to his mouth, but a sudden, loud bang sounded, and the door fell to the ground.

Sam had kicked down the door.

Sam grabbed Gabe around the waist and yanked him out of the bathroom, lying him gently on their bed. Gabe didn't resist, and was now lying limp and crying silently. Sam carefully uncurled Gabe's hand and tugged out the pills. He disappeared into the bathroom again and returned with the bandaging materials from yesterday. He sat beside Gabe on the bed, gently lifting the boy onto his lap. Gabe didn't feel fear anymore; he just felt sad and hollow.

Sam mopped up the blood that was drenching Gabe's arm, wincing as Gabe whimpered when Sam cleaned up his cuts with the antiseptic that stung like hell. Sam didn't like the noises Gabe made when he was in pain, he didn't like the expressions on his face or the pain and fear in his watering eyes. He didn't like the way his little friend was shaking in his arms, he didn't like the way Gabe kept eyeing his cuts like he wanted to make more, or that he made them in the first place or that he was about to take drugs.

He couldn't stand to see Gabe in pain.

Sam held Gabe close once he was finished, his arms around Gabe in that comforting way that Gabe liked. Neither of them said anything, but just as they both drifted off to sleep again, Sam rubbing circles onto Gabe's back, Sam thought he heard Gabe mumble three short words.


Bit too evil? Sorry, I'll change it ...😜


Much later, and Gabe and Charlie were hot-wiring a motorbike at a scrapyard. It still ran, even though it looked about ready to fail at any minute. Kevin and Sam were attempting at another one nearby.

It took an hour and several Mountain Dews, but the bikes were near a cliff overlooking a sea. Charlie and Kevin hopped on the first one, Kevin hesitantly putting his hands around Charlie's waist.

"Hands off, Deodorant Boy. I'm lesbo as fuck." The bike zoomed towards the cliff edge and shot off into the air.

Sam and Gabe got onto their bike, Gabe putting his arms around Sam a little lower than necessary, brushing his crotch with his hands. Gabe giggled as Sam groaned, though with frustration or reluctant arousal Gabe couldn't tell. Maybe both.

They could hear the faraway whoops and exuberant laughs of their two new friends as the boyfriends shot off the cliff and were consumed with adrenaline and a feeling that was fantastically indescribable.

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