24: Win The Lottery

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Soz for the wait guys, I'm just gonna be straight-up (only time I'll ever be straight tbh) honest with you all and say that I literally just couldn't be bothered

And btw if you think that that was it for the sadness, you'll find a nasty surprise later on 😉 and if you think that the pervious few chapters were traumatising, don't worry, they're nothing compared to what's coming your way 😈😘

But here, have some fluff 😜

Gabriel Novak had many different types of laughter.

He would sometimes full-on laugh, with the head-tilt and everything, and he would usually be the loudest thing in the room at that moment.

He would sometimes quietly cackle, snigger, or snicker, and the sound is so evil and mischievous you would immediately think he did something.

He would sometimes laugh silently, so hard that tears pour down his face. His eyes are usually screwed shut and he is almost always gripping something tightly because the mirth is too much for him.

He would sometimes laugh carefreely, because there's not anything funny, he's just happy. This is usually accompanied by bright eyes, arms flung out on either side of him, and excessive twirling.

Then there is the sad little laugh that not many people would hear very often, one that Gabe would try to make sound happy, but would never succeed. This was the laugh that Sam just heard when Gabe was explaining why he did it, on the plane ride to England after Sam, Charlie, and Kevin bailed him out of the hospital.

"I was lying on the bathroom floor, trying my damn hardest to breathe while at the same time wondering why my life all went so wrong and how I'm gonna get up and pretend like everything is all right, and what the hell am I gonna do about that hole in my chest?" Gabe shook his head, wiping away the stray tear that had accidentally leaked out, and thanked the stars that they were in first class and therefore he and Sam were blocked off from everyone else. "I just couldn't do it anymore ... why do you even care, Sammy? You just need to stop caring about me. I'll just hurt you ..."

Sam smiled down at Gabe, who was snuggled into his side. "Some people care too much. I think it's called 'love'."

Gabe giggled slightly. "Which famous romance author said that?"

"Winnie the Pooh."

Sam and Gabe simultaneously burst into laughter, and Sam stared at Gabe's cute face with a small, fond smile. He tilted Gabe's face towards him, and Sam lightly kissed Gabe's nose.

"You're so adorable." Sam told him, and Gabe stopped laughing, instead gazing at Sam's face, like a blind person seeing the sun for the first time.

He nuzzled his nose into Sam's chest. "Why do you put up with me ...?"

"This is what people do who love you." Sam replied. "They put their arms around you and love you when you can't love yourself."

"But I'm ..." Gabe protested weakly. Sam pressed a soft kiss to Gabe's lips, shutting him up.

"Shh. Nobody's perfect." Sam muttered. "Until you fall in love with them ..."

Gabe's golden eyes found Sam's chocolate ones, and Sam couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I've fallen for your laugh, which is utterly contagious. I've fallen for your smile, which makes me giddy for no reason at all. I've fallen for our late night talks, when one a.m. arrives far too quickly. I've fallen for our jokes, which I'll remember days later and burst into laughter. I've fallen for how you can make my day better, even if I wanted to cry a minute before. I've fallen for every second I get to spend with you, even if those seconds will always leave me wanting more." Sam took a deep breath. "I chose to be your friend, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control."

Gabe's eyes were shining. "Y-you really mean that?"

Sam nodded with certainty. "All of it. Everything. I love you so much."

Gabe bit his lip, tangling his fingers in Sam's. "I-I love you too." There was so much sincerity in his voice, so much purity in his eyes, that Sam believed him.

"Then you can't try to kill yourself any more. I can't live without you by my side." Sam wrapped his arms around Gabe, and Gabe buried his face in Sam's shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry. I just ... get so scared sometimes."

Sam smiled a wobbly smile at Gabe. "You're safe with me. I promise. When you get scared, just look me in the eyes, hold me a little tighter, and smile. Because I'm not going anywhere."

Gabe smiled, squeezing Sam's fingers individually.

"What are you so afraid of, anyway?"

"No one loving me." Gabe said decisively. "But then you said it ... and then you stepped onto the ledge with me ... actions speak louder than words, yanno." Gabe looked up at Sam. "I don't think I'll feel scared much more."

"That's good." Sam whispered, threading his fingers through Gabe's hair. "I love you, I love you, I love you ..."

And Gabe fell asleep to the heavenly sound of Sam's voice, knowing that he was loved beyond universes.


The four friends, as soon as they landed in London, made a beeline for a very famous fortune-teller.

Her house smelled like herbal tea and old books. Dark purple drapes hung everywhere, and tarot cards and crystal balls were scattered across the living room. An eerie, mystical silence filled the air - until two cats decided to start fighting in the street outside, yowling and screeching.

The fortune-teller sighed, glaring out of the window. "Damn it, Baxter. Not again."

"Isn't Baxter a dog's name?" Kevin questioned.

The fortune-teller ignored him.

She turned towards the group. "You will find the love of your life within the next three hours." She directed at Charlie, and the redhead brightened up. "You will face a deadly choice; both options will end badly for you." She looked at Kevin, whose posture visibly drooped. "And I sense a wedding coming up for you two ..." She grinned at Sam and Gabe, who high-fived excitedly. "I hope you'll invite your nurse and your brothers."

Sam and Gabe exchanged a glance. "You've met Balthazar, Cas, and Dean?"

"Oh, yes." The fortune-teller's face darkened. "They are hard to forget."

Gabe sniggered, and Sam discreetly nudged him.

"Anyway, think of the question you came to ask me, and the answer shall arrive into my brain ..." She said, closing her eyes. She began to recite numbers, then reopened her eyes and glared at the four. "Really? Lottery? Again?! You're just like all the others!"

Two hours later, and the four were chilling in their hospital, Sam and Gabe reunited with Balthazar, Lucifer, Michael, Emma, Bethany, Cas, and Dean. Charlie and Emma were shamelessly flirting, and Sam had to keep shushing them to hear the TV.

The lottery announcer announced several numbers, and Sam and Gabe looked down at their piece of paper excitedly.

"HOLY SHIT YES! WE WON! IT WORKED!" Gabe screamed, and everyone leapt up and started cheering.

They had won three-hundred and sixty million euros ... just what exactly were they going to do with that amount of money ...?

The Bucket List >> Sabriel ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora