20: Create A Flamethrower

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"Well, letting us out of these handcuffs would be pretty helpful." Sam said sarcastically. Gabe and Kevin looked around at him, Kevin still looking terrified, Gabe grinning with enjoyment.

"Danger gives me a special kind of joy." Gabe explained to Sam.

"That translates to English as 'I'm fucking insane!'" Kevin said furiously.

"What's your whole deal anyway?" Sam questioned the redhead as she fiddled with his handcuffs. "Why're you helping us?"

"You guys said you had cancer, right?" Charlie said, raising an eyebrow at Sam. "I do have some morals, y'know."

"Aren't ya gonna get in a lotta shit for this, though?" Gabe spoke up, making a face.

"Oh yeah ... A lot." Charlie grimaced. "I'm gonna have to run away ... They're gonna try and kill me. I have to hide." She suddenly smirked at the three boys. "You got kidnapped by the Canadian mafia, y'know."

The three stared at her incredulously. "The mafia? But what the hell would they want with us -"

"You have a lot of money. The Canadian mafia is running low on money, and they're too nice to rob any banks -"

"Too nice?!" Kevin exclaimed. "They kidnapped us!"

"Yeah but there's only three of you. Robbing banks would involve having to be rude to many more people -"

"Damn Canadians ..." Gabe muttered.

"Point is, the mafia wants to be polite to as many people as possible." Charlie shrugged. "Fucking weird, I know."

"It's because Canadians are insane. And too nice." Kevin laughed nervously as he saw the gun tucked into the waistband of Charlie's jeans as she released him from his handcuffs. "And insane."

"C'mon, you losers." The three stood up, shaking their wrists and cursing. "Any of you know how to make a homemade flamethrower?" She grinned cheekily at the boys.

"Oh! Oh! Me!" Gabe jumped up and down on the spot, throwing a hand up into the air. "Anyone got a lighter?"

Charlie felt in her pocket and chucked one at him. Gabe fumbled to catch it, swearing, before dropping it seconds after he had caught it.


Kevin extracted a small can of deodorant from his pocket nervously. "I sweat a lot when I'm nervous." He muttered to the others awkwardly.

Gabe paused, whipping his head around to Charlie. "Um, why exactly are we making a flamethrower? I mean, it's the next thing on our bucket list and everything, but just why now of all times?"

"Well, we need a small distraction to get out of here." Charlie shrugged, an evil grin sliding onto her face.

Minutes later, and the four were sprinting out of the burning warehouse, Sam clutching onto Gabe's upper arm as he held the makeshift flamethrower up, torching everything in sight, all laughing their heads off - with the exception of Kevin, who was pale and sweating furiously.

"WOOO!" Gabe yelled in exhilaration, the group diving forwards as the warehouse exploded behind them in a burst of flame and rubble.

"You - you said it was gonna be a - a small distraction!" Sam coughed, laughing slightly.

Charlie shrugged again. "For me, that was a small distraction."

The three boys stared at her in awe. "I dread to think of what your idea of a big distraction is." Kevin said anxiously.

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