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(Y/N)'s POV
I looked around me in amazement. I was in Sans' room. My magic worked and I had managed to teleport. The room seemed deserted, except for Chara who stood off to the side and watched me, and I was glad.

I panted, as using the magic seemed to have taken most of my energy away. Then I stood up shakily and stumbled towards the door. My vision was going blurry and the dull pain I had in my head since the vision of Chara killing soon grew to a sharp roar.

"Careful. Teleport drains a lot of energy when you first start using it." Chara said.

"You don't say." I gasped out sarcastically.

I fell on my knees and stayed in the fetal position for a few minutes while the pain subsided. Taking a deep breath, I slowly stood up and opened the door. I came face to face with a tired looking Sans. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Kid, what're you doing in my room?" He asked.

"Just took a shortcut." I replied with a proud grin on my face.

"Nice job." He complimented and I blushed a little. I stepped back as I realized that Sans was probably standing at the door for a reason. He walked in and sat on his bed. I walked over to him and sat down in front of him. Chara stood behind me and to the left. I tried ignoring them.

"Sorry about yesterday. I was just upset that you didn't trust me." I said quietly.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I was just... I had a lot on my mind." Sans said and I nodded.

"What were you doing out there anyway?" He asked and I froze.

"I don't remember. I think I was p-practicing my magic." I lied.

"Lying? That's not going to come back and bite you in the a-" I interrupted Chara mentally.

Shut up. I can't just tell him that I was spying on him.

"Okay." Sans sounded relieved. "Ever figure out why Chara gave it to you?"

I nodded.

"They said that when they take over my soul they'll use the magic. But Chara can't control me unless I'm weak." I explained to Sans. Chara huffed and looked away.

"How does Chara control you? How did all of this start?" He asked. I frowned and picked at the floor.

"I made a deal with them. A-after I... After I completed the genocide run I met Chara. Eventually they gave me a choice. Erase the world or Do Not erase. I chose Do Not but... Chara destroyed the world anyway. Eventually I wanted to play again. So after a few minutes Chara offered me a deal. They would let me play again if I gave them my soul. I accepted the deal. I didn't think... I didn't know that it was real." I explained sadly while Chara laughed. I shot them a glare.

Sans sat on the floor next to me and hugged me. I smiled softly and hugged him back, a light blush tinting my face. I had fallen for this punny skeleton. I had fallen hard.

"Any idea on how to beat Chara?" he asked as he let go of me. I suddenly started singing (Favorite/Song). It was true that I had a plan, but I didn't want Chara to listen to my thoughts and figure it out.

"You can't see them, but Chara is right here." I pointed at Chara who glared at me.

"Planning on a little rebellion, pet? You do know that I have the power of a god right?" Chara started getting angry.

"Wha- So they follow you around all day?" Sans asked.

"Well, their always kind of in my head. They just project an image of themselves into my head." I explained.

"I guess I'll just have to trust that your plan will work then, huh? Well, how long do you think it'll take?" Sans asked.

"Maybe another two weeks." I answered. Sans nodded.

"Another two weeks without a reset." Chara said. I looked at them curiously.

"What?" I asked, accidentally talking aloud. Chara explained.

"That's what Sans just said. He said it too quietly for you to hear but I can see every line of his dialogue, no matter how quiet. I mess with the code of this world, remember?"

"You really aren't going to stop showing off are you?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm guessing that you're talking to Chara? What did they say?" Sans asked. I looked over at him an blushed.

"Sorry. I usually talk to Chara mentally. They were just uh... Telling me something." I said.

"Telling you what?" Sans asked another question.

"Just what you said... Another two weeks without a reset." I said softly. He instantly stiffened.

"I said that aloud? Or can Chara read my thoughts too?"

"You said it aloud." I informed him.

"Do you really worry about resets that much?" I asked him in a quiet voice. He looked me straight in the eye. His grin had shrunk and it was more like a skeletal frown.

"You don't know what it's like. To wake up every morning wondering if anyone else will remember what happened yesterday. Wondering if everything had been reset. There's just... No point. Why go on, knowing that one day it will all just end. Everything will just reset." Sans had a tiredness to his voice that broke my heart.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered. He stood up and started to walk away. I called out his name and he stopped. I stood up and hugged him for what was maybe the third time today.

"I'm going to do my best to make sure that this is the last one." I murmured. He turned around and I let go of him. His eyesockets were wide.

"Y-you mean it? The last one? The last reset?" He asked desperate and hopeful. I nodded. Sans grinned.

"Thanks kid." He said. I smiled.

"Last reset? Why are you giving him false hope? When I get control of you, I'll be able to reset as much as I want." Chara spoke. I shook my head as Sans went outside, presumably to go use a "shortcut" and go to one of his many jobs, and I went downstairs and sat in the couch.

"I won't let you. I'll stay strong. I'll stay determined. I won't let you kill any of my friends." I stated and Chara laughed.

"We'll see (Y/N)... We'll see."

Sorry for the shortness of the chapter but hey, you got some moments with Sans. I have a snow day today so I'll be able to pre-write a few chapters. I might update twice today. I have an idea for how the book will end and I'm thinking about whether or not I should break all of your guys' hearts or not.

Anyway, I'm super happy with the number of reads this book has gotten so far. 390 something last time I checked. I never expected this many reads or votes so thank you guys so so much! I say this almost every chapter but seriously. You guys are awesome! Hope you liked this chapter.

The picture shown is Sans' room.

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