I was done with the presentation in less than twenty minutes and once it was over , each and every student applauded for me and I smiled awkwardly at the abrupt applause.

The bell rang at three o'clock sharp and I hurried to the bus station to catch the bus. As my father was in the bakery and Ashton was out of town , I had no other choice than to take the bus.

I reached home in less than half an hour and I went directly into my room without grabbing anything to eat on the way. I was not hungry and considering all the homework which was still left to be done , I did not even dare to procrastinate.

I dug into my Math homework and completed the English grammar practices which were left.

By the time I finished all my homework , the clock indicated ten minutes to five and I quietly gasped at the short lapse of time in which I had to get ready.

Just when I was about to enter the bathroom , I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it ?" I asked before opening the door which stood just in front of me.

"It's me ," my mother exclaimed from the other side and I opened the door instantly.

"How come you came early today ?" I asked her in shock.

"Dad remained at the bakery and I had to bring Samantha to the doctor today ," she explained.

"Another rendez-vous ?" I asked her and narrowed my eye-brows.

"Yes , the rendez-vous is at five thirty and I wanted to ask you whether you'll be accompanying us or not ," she muttered and I started panicking.

"Oh sorry but I have some -"

"Some project to work on again Alexa ?" She interrupted me and completed my sentence as she yelled in frustration.

"U-uh yeah ," I stuttered and she sighed loudly , leaving my room like a hurricane.

I tried not to bother my mind too much with my mother's reaction. After all , I was kind of used to her way of handling things and right at that moment , it did not affect me that much.

I scurried towards the bathroom to take a quick shower and I then began choosing an appropriate outfit to wear.

I chose a black pair of skinny jeans , which was my favorite and I matched it with a purple crop top. I then tied my hair in a high ponytail and hopped in my black ballerina afterwards.

After a ten-minute session of applying a small amount of make-up on my greasy face , I took a quick glance at myself on the plane mirror.

It was fifteen minutes past five and I was on my way to the park. As it was not that far away from my own house , I chose to walk instead of taking a vehicle.

"Heyyy doll !" A familiar voice shouted from behind me and I immediately turned around , recognizing the voice instantly.

"You're seven minutes early ," Britney stated and engulfed me in a teddy-bear hug at once. "What a miracle , you're not late !"

"Hah always so punctual you are !"

"Exactly !" She beamed and nodded in agreement.

"Where's your car ?" I asked and she pointed at a spot at the back of the parking lot. 

I then followed her and we pulled away from the parking area once we were properly seated in.

"To the pizzeria ," she stated and I just giggled like a child.

We reached our destination at six o'clock approximately and I was honestly starving.

We got out of the car once it was properly parked and I could already smell the odor of pizza which was engulfing the atmosphere and only the smell of it made my mouth water.

The Runaway TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now