Chap 8 Going Back or Not?

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Danny's POV

I realized I had enough money to go back to England, but it was not enough for Sara and Abby to come along. I sighed as I knew I'd have to wait till at least next year to go back. I sighed and decided to go live, I did so and said hi, I saw Abby in the viewers list and guessed she was lurking, I smiled and played a UHC. I got top 10 and nearly won. I ended stream and asked Lara for the best way to contact Abby. She said through Skype or through Sara. I dmed Sara and asked her to tell this to Abby: "Abby, I'm picking you up from Michigan soon, and then we're picking up Sara and we're gonna go to England."  Sara said ok clearly surprised and I smiled, I'm going to have to tell them soon.  I texted Lara asking when we were going to tell them since I was going back soon. She said next time she streams so everyone knows. I said ok and then went to sleep.

So the chapter grind is over for now
It'll more intense from there :D

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