Chap 7 Treachery

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Lara's POV

I woke up the next morning to a dm from Abby saying that she was gonna miss me. I instantly got scared and saw her tweet, she was going MIA for god knows how long. I texted Danny telling him and I dmed Sara. "Do you know what happened to Abble?" I said, I laughed at Abby autocorrected to Abble. She replied saying. "Yeah, someone, and by someone I mean Ethan's ex dmed her saying some pretty mean stuff, so she went MIA." I gasped. I knew she would never delete Skype off her iPod so I texted her on there saying; "you okay?" She instantly replied saying; "Not so much... Could you go live so I can lurk in chat and see if you can make me laugh?" I replied yes and went live. I saw her pop in the viewers list and the chat flooded with hi's and I realized right there how much of an impact I have on people.



Also this is a message towards Lara, I don't think you know how big of an impact you have on me <3

Till next chapter spoons!

Love ya all!

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