Then as abruptly as it had started the earthquake stopped. We slowly rose from the ground, shaky and cautious. It was quiet except for the clamor of students talking amongst themselves and the teachers trying to see if everyone was okay. We began to make our way towards the rest of the school.

The sky darkened. We looked up to see dark clouds cover the sun, and a sharp wind began to blow. As the light diminished, my eyes caught an orange glow in the far side of the school. Some students saw it and began to point and shout. Alarm dawned on the teachers' faces: the Academy was on fire.

We quickened our steps, pretty much running to rejoin the group. Aaron stumbled a little, because of the cut on his leg. Indigo caught ahold of his elbow and helped him along. Rachel and Lucian, who were in the front, suddenly skidded to a halt.

"Ah!" I bumped into Ashley, who collided with Indigo. "Why are we stopping?"

"Look," whispered Indigo fearfully. Panic had broken out in the student masses. Why? There was an Evil right in their midst! Another transforming Evil who had infiltrated our school right under our noses, just like Anna did! The teachers split into two groups. One consisted of three teachers who tried to herd the students away from danger. The larger group pulled out their weapons (how did they conceal them?) and faced the Evil. Fear was written on every single one of their faces.

"They won't be able to defeat it! Only rosewood can, remember?" I shouted over the roar of the wind and the shrieks of people.

"Yeah, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to help! Look!" Indigo pointed at a hill to the northwest of where we were standing. A dark mist seemed to be spreading from that area. Squinting, I could make out dark figures. Some were ginormous while others were about the size of an average human. All of them were menacing. It was an army of Evils. They have come to attack the Academy.

"Give us the chosen ones and we will leave in peace!" roared the Evil in the school grounds. The teachers circled it nervously.

"Never! Once you're finished with them you'll come back to take over the world!" shouted a male teacher that I recognized as Mr. Jacobson. The Evil laughed, the sound sending a chill down my spine.

"You are smart, little human," it chuckled. "But I promise, once you give us the chosen ones Lord Victor will spare the school and everyone in it when he takes over Crystallea."

"Promise? You want us to trust a monster's promise?" guffawed another teacher. "Like he'll ever keep his word!"

"Give us the chosen ones or you will all die a painful, gruesome death!" snarled the Evil. Apparently it was tired of negotiating.

"We can't go there," said Lucian. "We'll get captured and killed. Remember, the world depends on us."

"You're right," said Jason. "Guys, we should get out of here."

"Indigo, does this look like the omen you were waiting for that signals the start of our quest?" asked Rachel. Indigo's eyes were wide as she gave a single, brisk nod.

"Guys..." Aaron said. "We should really get going!" The army of Evils had crested the hill and were advancing full speed towards the school. I don't think they knew where we were yet, but it's only going to be a matter of time. I grabbed Ashley's arm and started sprinting towards the school. "We need to get our packs and get out of here!"

Plunging into the crowd of terrified students I kept my grip on my best friend's arm so we don't lose each other. The others were lost in the mob. We must've pushed and shoved like a hundred people out of our way, but we finally burst through the side and in front of the painting. Not even caring about secrecy, I pressed the hidden panel and the painting sprung open. Twirling the lock, I got the safe open just as Indigo, Aaron, and Rachel appeared, disheveled and worried.

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