Chapter 20: Yes or No

Start from the beginning

Alessia grinned. "You'll be alright."

Derek frowned. "No, I won't." He said, pulling her closer to him.

"Too much PDA!" Carson exclaimed appearing out of nowhere, throwing a grape at him.

Derek scowled at him, releasing Alessia. "And you hogging Naomi isn't too much PDA?"

"I do not hog her!"

"He does not hog me!"

They both exclaimed at the same time. Naomi and Carson looked at each other and shared a similar grin.

Did I ever mention that Naomi and Carson are together... well, they are and they are incredibly cute.

Carson sat next to Naomi. "Any plans for today?" He asked her.

She nodded her head. "Alessia, Zoe, and I are going to get ice cream and go shopping later today."

I zoned out for a few seconds, thinking about what I had planned today besides ice cream and shopping.

"By the way, that's Carson," Derek said. "And that's Sean, Mason, and that's Joe." He introduced. "This is Alessia, my friend that's a girl."

Alessia had a timid smile on her face. "Hello."

"Hey! Nice to meet you." Mason said with a smile on his face.

One thing I realized about Mason is that he's extremely friendly.

"One thing you should know, all of these people here argue about stupid things every day. You'll get used it soon."

Derek snorted. "That's another reason why I never introduced you to these crazy weirdos. I'm afraid you'll run away."

Alessia laughed. "I've dealt with you, haven't I?" She teased. Derek pouted. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding." She said pecking him on the cheek.

"You guys are so cute, I'm going to barf," Carson said fake gagging.

Derek rolled his eyes at him. "Shut up, Carson. You and Naomi are equally barf worthy."

Mason sighed. "This is what I mean."

I snickered.


I pulled out my phone, looking at the text that Sean texted me.

"Oh crap

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"Oh crap. I'm really sorry. I'm meeting Sean at the library..."

"Ooh, why's that?" Naomi grinned.

"To help me with my trig homework," I said, narrowing my eyes at Naomi. "Get your mind out of the gutter," I told her. "Is it okay with you guys if I ditch?"

Alessia nodded her head, "It's fine. I know how annoying trig is. I was so terrible at it had it not been for my friend. She's a whiz at this kind of thing."

I laughed. "I hate it so much."

"I hope you have fun...doing trig...if that's what you're really doing." Naomi grinned at me cheekily.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I hope you trip on your shoelaces."

Naomi snorted. "I love you too."

I chuckled. "I'll see you guys later. It was really nice hanging out with you, Alessia. I hope you aren't sick of us. I'd love to hang out again." I told her.

She laughed. "Of course! I'd love to hang out again."

I grinned. "I'll see you guys later then."

Within ten minutes, I was in my local library where Sean and I were supposed to meet up.

I'm glad it's close to the mall.

My fingers wrapped around my backpack which was thrown behind my shoulders, I traveled up the stairs and opened the glass door to the library.

I found a table in the back where not a lot of people were in and placed my backpack on the table. I pulled out my phone and sent Sean a text, letting him know where I was seated.

Putting my phone down and I looked around the quiet library.

Seeing as I haven't been to the public library in a long time, a lot has changed.

I always went to my school library so I really didn't have any reason to go to the public library.

There were many new fake plants here. Last time there weren't that many. There was even a big fish tank and many kids surrounded it, looking very fascinated. They were giggling and pointing at the fishes. Many teens and adults were here, some on the computer, some at a table, reading or doing work.

The libraries always fascinated me. Many it was because of the bookshelves and the fact that there were thousands of books in this place. Hundreds on only one shelf.

Five minutes after I sent that text, Sean finally arrived and sat down across from me.

"Sorry, I'm late. Traffic's a bítch." He muttered, looking highly peeved off. "Some people just cannot drive."

I chuckled, agreeing to that one hundred percent. Some people should not be allowed on the road.

I pulled out my work from class today and set it on the table. "I don't understand any of it," I told him.

For the next half hour, Sean spent it explaining all the notes and problems to me and I listened, dozed off and got distracted by his face, did the math problems again but with understanding this time.

"Aw, aren't they cute?" I cooed showing Sean a picture of Carson and Naomi together.

We had decided to take a ten-minute break from trig and I'm pretty sure it's been more than ten minutes.

Sean snorted. "Carson looks constipated."

I rolled my eyes, a laugh bubbling out of me. "You're so mean. Just admit they look cute together."

He snickered. "Yeah but he still looks constipated."

I rolled my eyes again. "You're impossible."

"Zoe," Sean said a while later.

I looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah?" I answered, moving a strand of hair out of my face.

"Are you free Friday night?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I think so, yeah. Why?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"


Author's Note: thoughts on the new cover? yes... or no? (ayeee) i'm feeling pretty good about it except the part where my name is, don't really like it much.

oooh.... is she going to say yes? or no?

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