Chapter Nine - Now or Never

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It was now or never, really. Alex and Oliver were allowed one attempt, one chance to try and save the Seven Children and they had to make this chance count.

'Alex, darling, sweetie, you don't need to do this,' whispered Susan into Alex's ear during their final rib breaking hug.

'Mum you know I do. They're counting on Oliver and I to save them. We're their last hope,' Alex whispered back. She withdrew from her mother's hold and stared into her eyes.  Oh gosh she wished there was a way around all of this.

'You do understand, don't you?' asked Susan.  'Why Aunt Linda and I lied to you, hid you from all of this?'  Alex nodded.

'Yes,' she lied, and forced a smile to her lips, 'of course I do.' 

One day, Alex knew, she would have to find one way or another to forgive her mum. But not yet, all of this - Marco, the Seven Children, magic, powers: it was too overwhelming.

It had taken eight hours to reach where the Underground Palace was buried. Eight hours Alex spent asking herself why her mother had kept the truth away from her. She was famous. One of the famous Seven Children destined to rule the world. Why didn't her mother ever tell her? Then of course there was Richard, Sir Richard Ramsay, Ruler of Good. One large title for a heartless man. People bowed to him, respected him, talked about him as though he was some sort of legend, but he wasn't! He was just a father. A dishonest, uncaring and faithless father. And people admired him? Unbelievable. She turned to Oliver, who stared ahead at the entrance shaking his head.  

'Look at it!' hissed Oliver, 'It gives me the creeps just looking at it.'

Alex reached out and gently took Oliver's hand. Oliver automatically flinched and went to withdraw his hand, but stopped. They were going to do this together. Alex looked back one last time and saw her parents standing next to each other looking petrified. Stuff those two, Alex thought, she and Oliver were the ones entering the Underground Palace, why were they scared?  Together, Alex and Oliver stepped forward and remembered what Richard had told them in the car journey.

Little Benjamin Turner was an innocent eight year old.  From a young age his parents knew Benjamin was unique and kept his power a secret, for they knew if they world found out what Benjamin could do, many ruthless people would try and steal the boys power.  One day Benjamin was walking home from school when he came across a very peculiar man who claimed he could do magic tricks.  Excited, the boy agreed to participate in one quick trick for he had to go home quickly or his parents would be worried.  Unfortunately the peculiar man's power did not work on the boy and Benjamin continued home disappointed and told his parents of the strange man who said could perform magic but couldn't.  That night, whilst the parents slept soundlessly in their bed, Benjamin was kidnapped and nobody ever saw him again.  Ironically the next day, the Ruler of Evil spread word he had put a new security system in place around his Palace which was indestructible.  The peculiar man was the Ruler of Evil, and once he realised his power had no effect on the young boy, he knew he had to take the boy's power.  It was only once he realised what the boy's power was, the Ruler of Evil knew how he could use it to his disadvantage.

Alex didn't know it was possible to steal magical abilities.  Her father explained that it was rare, but not uncommon to find individuals transferring their powers to objects and selling it for a high price.   Alex glanced at the thin silver rod, her father gave her back at the car, hanging from her belt.  Apparently someone who had the ability to wish anyone asleep transferred some of his power into the silver rod.  Alex was amazed by magic technology.

Underneath the top of the archway, a small white lily appeared from its depth and slowly grew and reached out towards them. The flower turned and twisted with inquisitiveness and examined the children. Alex could hear her heart pumping loudly, a soft purring sound also filled the air. It was coming from the flower.

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