I Dont Understand The "Rouge is a Slut" Thing

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<p>Like for real I don't understand how is Rouge a slut. Is because it because her style of cloth? Her cloth seem very comfy. And flexible. She is a treasure hunter/Secret agent that kind of clothing helps her move around quickly and easily. <br>
Is because her breast are big? Well she's seem like she's in her 20s so I'll say puberty. Hey puberty went her way don't get mad cause it didn't go your way. <br>
Is because she enjoy to flirt? Ok first of all that's her way of getting what she wants. It's the guy fault for not telling her no. If you do say "no" she'll try to steal what she wants from you. Or kick your ass and take it. Please she's not even ship with everybody unlike Amy (I don't hate Amy I think she's a cool character just trying to make a point) she ship with some guys, and girls but Amy with every guy and girl in the entire series. <br>
Well you made it too the end of my little rant. Congrats! Feel free to comment thoughts on how you feel about "Rouge is a slut"  thing.

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